Do You Still Believe a God Cares for You?

by JosephAlward 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • JosephAlward

    I've been a part of this forum for about one month, and during that time I've been struck by the willingness of many so former Jehovah Witnesses either to ridicule the Bible, or to stand by while it's being ridiculed. So, I'm wondering how many of them while Witnesses suffered through experiences so searing that they no longer believe in the god of the Old Testament.

    Who among you still believe that underneath the layers of contradictions, inconsistencies, and errors in the Bible there may be found the words of a god who created the universe, and who also cares about you, personally?

    Joseph F. Alward
    "Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"


  • Pureheart

    Jehovah God and His son Jesus Christ will always have my vote.

  • josephus


    i still beleive in god.

    what i beleive is a little more fluid nowadays, but i feel more open to other ideas too.

    the bible is full of helpfull info, and i think much of it is too good to be just mans words.

    despite what kent will say. the bible is not all bad.

    look at proverbs, now thats a good selfhelp book.



  • jayhawk1

    I am agnostic. I do believe some of the bible does hold a few facts, but not many. I do believe there is a god out there, but that he just stays out of the way, and lets things happen.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    I feel bad for these poor fools. and [email protected]

  • jayhawk1

    BTW, I am glad you post here. You make me think.

  • accuracy


    "Contradictions, inconsistencies, and errors" are in the eye of the beholder.

    It is not even so much as a faith profession as it is experiential living that convinces me that there is a God Who cares for me, personally and individually.

    You can argue with my faith, but you can't argue with what I have experienced for myself.

    The interesting thing, though, is that millions of Christians feel the same.

  • Mindchild

    Hi Joseph,

    Glad to see you hanging around and posting

    I personally didn't have anything happen to me as a Witness that stumbled me but quite a few things that raised questions. However, it was a long and careful examination on my part to see if there was a God, a true religion, etc. that led me to realize that I was an athiest.

    In all honesty, I can honestly say that I think there is practically no chance at all for a God (as taught by the Bible) to exist and have created the universe. I'm so sure of my choice, I put my money where my mouth is and stake my life on it. It doesn't upset me though for someone else not to see things this way and I don't feel the need to deprogram them or get them to see things my way. So, I normally don't get into long drawn out online debates unless the topic is really interesting.

    By the bye, interesting home page you have there!



    "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings." - William Shakespeare

  • thewiz


    ...underneath the layers of contradictions, inconsistencies, and errors in the Bible...
    what contradictions, inconsistencies, and errors?

    I didn't know there were any.

  • Satanus

    Bro Joe

    I'll tell if you will.

    I had to trash the bible, at one point, as much as it hurt to do so. Where does that leave me? From my readings and experiences, up to this point, it seems there are mainly two higher spiritual forces in my life.

    It seems that the ultimate source, the infinite, unnamable, undescribable, which underlies all, is not personally concerned, but can be touched nevertheless. It is not personally concerned because, ultimately, all after innumerable experiences will end up back w it. So, it gives total freedom to all that is. The mystics: christian, buddhist, hindu, and taoist attempt to describe it variously as 'the way', the deep, the dark, the light, total peace.

    The other spiritual force seems to be what some people call a 'higher self'. This seems to be the origin of the unconditional love that some experience, which they mistake for god. It is continuoussly available to help, guide etc. I'm not sure where or if jesus fits into the picture.

    I believe there are many spirits, maybe alternate worlds on levels between matter and spirit. Monroe institute has explored some of this on a nonreligious basis.

  • Nicolas

    I thing that we are born free and god doesn't ask us anything to do but than we have absolutely no goals in our life so, we have to find ourselve which goals we want to have.

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