And that completes the series of, "What YK doesn't want you to know"... hope you enjoyed these revelations.
JoinedPosts by mindfield
What YK doesn't want you to know....
by mindfield inpredictions?
and you thought it couldn't get any hotter?
What YK doesn't want you to know....
by mindfield inpredictions?
and you thought it couldn't get any hotter?
Edited by - mindfield on 13 June 2002 21:8:3
What YK doesn't want you to know....
by mindfield inpredictions?
and you thought it couldn't get any hotter?
Predictions? Conspiracies? And you thought it couldn't get any hotter? Think again, folks... think again. Because YouKnow is hotter than ever with his mentor, Larouche, as they get down and dirty. Hubba hubba.
Who are these guys?
by Nowhere inhello, i have a little question here.
(be patient with my english) .
are they really witnesses?
They are apostates in denial.
Nuff said.
What are you listening to right now?
by LDH inthe soundtrack of o brother, where art thou?.
"Without You", from Dirty Vegas. A smashing good techno song, if I may say so myself. Afterwards, i'll probably listen so Sarah Brightman's "Deliver Me", a beautiful song. Hmmm... maybe I'll listen to Eminem's "Without Me" rap ballad to top it all off.
Just try and find my favorite music style!
Just Rambling About Names Matching Personality.
by Englishman inbah... i know a jennifer that can be quite annoying.
Bah... I know a Jennifer that can be quite annoying.
by You Know inthings are gettn interestinger and interestinger every day.
on the international scene any number of scenarios can serve as triggers to set off wwiii, or the tribulation, whatever you may prefer to call it.
the next cross-border atrocity by rogue militants could easily detonate a conflagration between nuclear-poised india and pakistan.
You Know, I have a document in my possession that would disprove everything you imagine to be correct about the Bible, God, and the Jehovah's Witnesses Organisation. In fact, I'd swear on my mother's grave that your whole lifestyle and mindset would drastically change once you read but a paragraph of this fine document which I myself wrote. Many faithful elders became atheists upon reading it, and I can guarantee you that over the next year, many others will leave.
However, I consider you to be a goon and a bully, so I won't share it with you. Sorry.
My Favorite Personality Test~~ Myers-Briggs
by LizardSnot ini just wanted to share the following personality test with all of you: .
i've found it to be extremely interesting and helpful in my relationships with those of different personality types.
Interesting... I'm an ISTJ.
cautious, conservative, and quiet; literal, realistic, and practical; careful and precise; logical, honest, and matter of fact; resistant to change and comfortable with routine; hard working and responsible.
The most important thing to ISTJs is being of service, working hard, and being responsible.
Fits me to a T, actually...
Elders' Gems of Wisdom
by stephenw20 inmy dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Back in the time when I was a publisher (say, about 2-3 years ago), everyone was wondering why, exactly, I was taking so long to get baptized. On the one hand, I made some "excellent" number 2 talks, and on the other hand, at home... I... sinned, alone in my room. Whatever. Anyways, there was this brother who would always nag me about my baptism after my talks, even when we would just meet at the Hall. The idiot (ex-elder) always asked me something like, "So, with that talk of yours, and with all the knowledge (hahahaha) that you have, surely you want to get baptized?" And on it went, for months at a time. That brother was finally one of the reasons I stopped being a publisher. I was tired of him and a couple others nagging me all the time to raise the bar from "publisher" to "baptized publisher". No coercion, my @$$.
Of course, I wasn't the kind of guy to fool around with. Especially not by one particular elder, with which I had a couple arguments (nothing too serious, one was about a brother at an Assembly who had said something to the effect that the Simpsons was a wordly influence). Since I was only a "publisher", I didn't see the harm in arguing with him. Anyways, to get right to the point... after a "service meeting", we met at the entrance of the KH, where he asked me, "So, did you have any good visits lately?" To which I replied, nonchalantly, "No." And to which he said, "Well, I've had two very (accent on the very) good visits lately. One was with a nice lady, which is..." His monologue was cut off by some other brother who was asking him to come along. Now, I knew perfectly well what his intentions were... to encourage me, and all. However, the way he said it didn't come out that way. He sounded like if he was laughing at me or something. After all the things he'd done to piss me off, this was the last straw. For my next number two talk, for which he was the "counselor", I made a talk tailor-made and adjusted just for Him, and HIM only. My introduction was essentially what he had said to me... I applied the verses and discussed about how one feeling superior over another and saying things like the above could ruin a constructive encouragement and degenerate into arrogance. Ha. Of course, it was arrogant of me to do something like that, but hey. He was the only one who could realize I was talking about him. He excused himself after the meeting. And you'd better believe I've never felt so good in a long, long while.
by dungbeetle inhere is the added material:.
stone phillips:(or john larsen).
in fact, anderson gave dateline a copy of this letter written in 1992 by a psycotherapist, a jehovah's witness himself, who said he'd treated many witnesses who'd told him they had been molested, and he had personally dealt with a number of elders who were more interested in suppressig a matter of abuse .
Didn't air here yet... according to the TV Guide, it's going to air tomorrow. I'll give you news then.