I'm not attacking, although Yadirf will scream otherwise. I'm pointing out his numerous fallacious posts.
JoinedPosts by mindfield
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger inhttp://oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/front_page/101671540232151251.xml.
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
" Fry Day "
by Tallyman inonly you fried-day, (that's "yad-deirf" in your bass-ackwards prose).
would try to mess up someone's birthday with a rotten post.. i speak of yesterday - gwen's (somebody) birthday.. you're about as much fun as a rained-on potato chip!.
party poop!.
Maybe you should check why, exactly, he's so angry. That should help.
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger inhttp://oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/front_page/101671540232151251.xml.
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
Well, if you're shutting up, I'll consider this a job well done.
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger inhttp://oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/front_page/101671540232151251.xml.
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
Yadirf not answering my post?
No comment.
" Fry Day "
by Tallyman inonly you fried-day, (that's "yad-deirf" in your bass-ackwards prose).
would try to mess up someone's birthday with a rotten post.. i speak of yesterday - gwen's (somebody) birthday.. you're about as much fun as a rained-on potato chip!.
party poop!.
Is this a Sick Freak, or what?!?
Tallyman, you've just won the Understatement of the Year Award!
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger inhttp://oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/front_page/101671540232151251.xml.
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
I've had enough of this crap.
This is probably what you want, that I reply, but what the hey.
You have a serious inferiority complex.
Thanks for pointing that out. Although I could say the exact same thing about you, couldn't I? And add vile to boot.Well, if that's the case then, let's hear you tell the entire world right now that you LOVE the Bible. Then I'll be sure to believe it.
You, Yadirf, have a way of writing your posts that makes it impossible for the other posters to win. You make it appear as if there's only two possibilities: Love or Hate the Bible. Now, to all sensible people reading your words, they will appear like a load of angry BS. To others, they won't. But that's okay.Will I scream to the world that I LOVE the Bible? No. Even if I did, I wouldn't do such a thing just to please you. What I will say is that I don't HATE the bible, but I don't LOVE it either. Seeing as you don't believe in a happy intermediary between the two, I'll explain. I perfectly respect Christians and others who fervently believe that the Bible is the Word of God. However, I don't believe that. Does that mean that I'm a wicked one, ready to hurt my neighbor at every chance I get? Hah. Get real.
Because I'm among the "few" that can't reach you?
No. Because you are amongs the "few" "real" JW's on this board, and you're making quite an impression. Take that however you want, I don't care. By now, you've probably took some meaningless phrase in my post and woven an intricate tale around it. Or maybe not, now that I've just mentioned a possible course of action you might take.Aaah, the possibilities...[8>]
" Fry Day "
by Tallyman inonly you fried-day, (that's "yad-deirf" in your bass-ackwards prose).
would try to mess up someone's birthday with a rotten post.. i speak of yesterday - gwen's (somebody) birthday.. you're about as much fun as a rained-on potato chip!.
party poop!.
Sorry, tallyman, I missed that ugly demonstration of Yadirf's vile mind. Could you give me the URL to the thread?
Second, I must say that this doesn't really surprise me. When he's not trolling/making stuff up/etc., he's insulting people and mocking their existence as human beings.
I don't know if this guy has the male version of PMS, but whatever he's got, it's bad. Real bad.
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger inhttp://oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/front_page/101671540232151251.xml.
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
Seeing as you refuse to admit the fact that you have a creative talent, I'll just use one of your famous tactics and use a previous thread to prove my point:
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=17235&page=5&site=3I'm keeping this one as a keepsake... reading it over, I just can't believe the drivel you spurted! *pinches nose* P.U.!!!
I think you've had enough feeding from me... thanks ashi, for reminding me that there are better things in life than to discuss with creative geniuses.
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger inhttp://oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/front_page/101671540232151251.xml.
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
Here’s a little out of the book that you hate.
Course, I could take snippets out of the last big scuffle we had, in which you believed I had "ran up to bed crying". Oh, I don't know. Be creative! It's your strength, isn't it? -
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger inhttp://oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/front_page/101671540232151251.xml.
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
And while I'm thinking about it, Yadirf, you're one of the few guys I actually use my annoying tactics on. Seeing you really have a talent for making stuff up on the spur of the moment, I feel obliged to give you a bit of the treatment you're offering us.