Thank you, thank you... *takes a bow*
Xander, that's a great idea! I'll just wait until he calls me an idiot again, and then I'll have some fun...hehehe...
only recently, youknow accused reborn2002 of linking a thread of his to a sound file that repeatedly said, "bullshit".
admittedly, the sound bit was hilarious, but that wasn't the point.
youknow accused reborn of being a thug and a goon, one of the reasons being the above.
Thank you, thank you... *takes a bow*
Xander, that's a great idea! I'll just wait until he calls me an idiot again, and then I'll have some fun...hehehe...
only recently, youknow accused reborn2002 of linking a thread of his to a sound file that repeatedly said, "bullshit".
admittedly, the sound bit was hilarious, but that wasn't the point.
youknow accused reborn of being a thug and a goon, one of the reasons being the above.
Only recently, YouKnow accused Reborn2002 of linking a thread of his to a sound file that repeatedly said, "Bullshit". Admittedly, the sound bit was hilarious, but that wasn't the point. YouKnow accused Reborn of being a thug and a goon, one of the reasons being the above. After discovering that he was wrong, YouKnow did the unthinkable: not only did he not excuse himself, but he accused Reborn! Now, being the don't-piss-me-off guy that he is, Reborn took matters into his own hands.
A sad end for a sad fellow... goodbye, YouKnow... we hardly knew ye.
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Reborn, you have to pay me 5 cents everytime you use that pic...
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Seven, you seem to be confused between two entities... Bob and God. Can't you see? They are one and the same! I call it... The Bob-God! See? It even rhymes! That must be some sort of sign... a subliminal prophecy, if you will. Why no one else saw this i can't understand. This new light must have come directly from Jehovah God! Therefore, I must be one of the anointed! Hallelujah!
Bob-God, take me under your plump wings, and protect me from evil! Sing your hymns of destruction, and let us chant along with you in a monotone voice! For there is no greater joy than to gather round and take comfort in death... Sweet, sweet death...
*slap* Where was I? Oh yes! All bow down to Bob-God!
*chants* Bob-God, is our God. Bob-God, is our God. Bob-God... oh, there goes the first nuclear strike... Hallelujah!
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Obviously, though, none of you have an answer, only bluster.
Right back at you.
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Too bad we won't be able to go back to the JW's if we have YK's mindset. I think they have enough of one crackpot, let alone a whole group of 'em.
Ah hell, why not? *eyes glaze over* "I love Jehovah. I love Jehovah. The end is near. The end is near..."
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Of course we can't grasp it, you moron. We're all idiots, remember? Of course you do. Why should anyone even attempt giving you a logical and coherent answer when the answer from you will always be: "You're an idiot" or some other nonsense. If you're expecting a response that will meet your demands, go on or some other board that takes pride in having no freedom of thought or speech. I'm sure they'll appreciate your verbal masturbation and your nonsensical thoughts.
Talking to you is the equivalent of kissing a trash can. Your heart might be in it, and you may even have strong emotions, but when you're done, you're left feeling dirty. And then, you suddenly realize, it was all useless. Why kiss a trash can, when you know you won't be accomplishing anything? Heck, I know I feel dirty right now. It would surprise me if you didn't write some stupid comment about me being an idiot, a "buffon" (that was a classic), or better yet, a goon or a bully. Hide behind your childish names all you want. None of us really give a damn what you think about us, since we know that you're just an apostate in denial. You're what a philosopher would call, "a double ignorant". You deny that you don't know. Some of us here are "simple ignorants". We know that we don't know everything. Which is more than we can say about you.
Looking forward to your next verbal ejaculation. They always go out with a bang, don't they?
Edited by - mindfield on 14 June 2002 11:48:52
because any crisis (such as this anti-crisis) is always accompanied by you know and the watchtower claiming it is unique.. .
what crisis?.
I'll tell you why the present crisis isn't unique. Because every time something *unique* happens, YK moans, grunts, and explodes.
Need I say more?
and you thought it couldn't get any hotter?
Young? Always. Confused? Maybe. Newbie? Not anymore!
Just letting some steam out. Boy, does it ever feel good. Almost orgasmic, if you ask me. *pun intended*
and you thought it couldn't get any hotter?
To those who missed these... you don't want to miss 'em!!!