lol, Stealth.
JoinedPosts by gwyneth
Toilets and gender - very light hearted discussion
by Qcmbr inat work we have four toilets per floor of which two are male and two female - we have about a 10 - 1 balance of men to women and so we got to bitching about how unfair it is that they (the ladies) get two toilets while we have to hike around looking for an available stall.
these toilets are single occupant rooms (as a toilet prude these are my favourite toilets of all time!
- i can't do 2's in public except in dire emergencies) but we got to talking about some of the other offices where the toilets are larger etc.. and several people are in there at one time.
Weekend plans?
by KW13 ini am gonna be relaxing at uncles house, listen to music and all that sorta thing.
I baked a blueberry (hand-picked by me and a complaining teenager at Mark's U-Pick Blueberries in Clermont) pie and am going to bf's family reunion in Citra. After, we are going to Cross Creek to visit Marjorie Kinnan Rawling's house. I haven't been there in 15 years. (Although I love his family and good Southern cooking, Cross Creek will be the highlight of the day! )
Tomorrow, I have to work. The joys of self-employment.
JGnat Says Hi
by jgnat ini have been wandering around the board for a while now, and have decided it is time to contribute a bit of my history.
i have described my involvement with the witnesses as being from the outside looking in.
my sweet honey has been trying for two years to get reinstated.
I clicked on the link of your 10,000th post...I had never read this before.
What an amazing story. I am so glad you are still here four years later.
Pest Problems
by Bstndance inah!
so with the hot weather in so california, it's common to have ant problems.
well, last night i discovered a pest i never imagined.
My house sits on blocks. There is access to the duct work and plumbing under there.
My dog can hear things that I can't, of course. He was very upset for a couple of weeks, and kept cocking his head and whining at an electrical outlet behind my bed. When I came home from work one day, he had torn a hole in the wall, with the outlet dangling on the floor. (I don't know how he wasn't electrocuted.) I patched it up as best as I could, but the next day he had torn all the patch work out. I heard a squealing noise, and my CAT came out from under my bed, with a 'POSSUM in his mouth. A baby one, to be sure, but holy crap, I was freaked out. He had pulled it out of the hole in the wall. The cat ran through the cat door with his prize, and the dog looked at him like, "I did all the work and you get all the glory. Damn."
I patched the wall yet AGAIN, and haven't had a problem since.
What strange things do your pets like to eat?
by Lady Lee inwhen i was a kid we had a small dog that loved spaghetti with tomato sauce.
he was our witness dog that would sit near the table and wait until after the prayer to start begging for food.. the two cats i had for 12 years loved some really odd things.
i was peeling corn on the cob tonight and missed having them pester me for raw corn niblets.
Don't you just love this name? This was the name of my cat who ate Doritos.
We got him from the Humane Society. He was already over 10 years old. He had a huge head. We called him "Mr. Big Head," but it just didn't roll off the tongue that well. "Mr. Big Head" is a character from one of my fave cartoons, "Rocko's Modern Life." So we named him Rocco, a variation of "Rocko." (Much more sophisticated spelling, too. Vet kept spelling it "Roco"--got me very perturbed.)
Long, convoluted, off-topic story about the origin of my cat's name, but delightful to see the name shared with another pet.
What strange things do your pets like to eat?
by Lady Lee inwhen i was a kid we had a small dog that loved spaghetti with tomato sauce.
he was our witness dog that would sit near the table and wait until after the prayer to start begging for food.. the two cats i had for 12 years loved some really odd things.
i was peeling corn on the cob tonight and missed having them pester me for raw corn niblets.
I had a cat who ate Doritos, too. Our dog growing up ate a whole tub of butter when we weren't looking, and then upchucked it in the motor boat. He would eat toads, and then have seizures. He would eat cat poop he found in the yard. God, I don't miss that dog.
"We all scream...."
by seahart innow that we have entered the hot season, my question is what is your flavor of choice when it comes to ice cream.
i have to say for me there is nothing better than a premium vanilla.
sounds boring, oh no.
Mint chocolate chip.
Are you good at math...........?
by vitty inis there a secret to becomming good at math?
or is it a matter of having a special talent and if youve got it your blessed and if you havent your stuffed.. like an artist who is naturally gifted, goes off and produces a brilliant picture without a lesson in his life.
and the person who really , really loves art and would like to paint and has dozens of lessons and produces crap.. i know when i worked in a place where we had to add up in our heads, i got really good, but when i left so did my ability to add up quickly and accurately.. if there is anyone out there with any good tips, id like to know .
I love math. Not always that good at it, but I would prefer math over almost any subject. (I took 4 math classes to get my AA--only 2 were required. Used up my electives for them.)
Although I believe there is some proclivity for certain people to be left-brain (logical, sequential) or right-brain (creative, holisitc) thinkers, I think attitude is the key. If you go in with a defeatist attitude, "I will never get this problem," then you never will get the problem. If you go in with a attitude that math is a challenge, "OK, I know what "a" and the hypotenuse are, and I know the formula for the Pythagorean Theorem, so now I can find "b". And if my calculator doesn't have the square root function, there's a formula to find that out by hand, too!" For me, getting a math answer gives the same thrill as fitting a tricky piece in a jigsaw puzzle. I get a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction ..maybe that's why I like it so much.
Intro and ? that has probably been asked a zillion times...
by Swamboozled ini don't want to bore with the tedious details...but long story short: my husband was raised a jw.
he da and married me 6 years ago.
i was so appalled at the fact that his family shunned him that i insisted on a sit down with his mom to explain.
Anyone watching the Miss Universe show?
by frozen one inoh my!
i'm pulling for miss brazil or miss paraguay.
Nope, my daughter and I are watching "A Very Brady Wedding" or something on VH1.