I actually saw my first one around age 15. My dad was an elder at the time, we rented "Pale Rider" with Clint Eastwood. If I wanted to see one, it was going to be what he picked--a western. It was quite good, though. My parents carefully watched to screen the "R" parts. I think it was the first "R" rated movie they'd seen, too.
JoinedPosts by gwyneth
R Rated Movies
by Swamboozled infor those of you who tried to follow the no rated r movies "suggestion", what rated r movie did you run out and get after you decided the society could shove their "suggestions"?
i was dying to see both matrix movies, so they were the first i rented.
1973 was a bumper year for Apostahunks--just for fun
by gwyneth ini was reading the "post your picture" thread for the first time today (saw the vivamus one, but not the newer one).
--you posted a comment and an age.
--you posted a comment with no age.
Don't ask.
1973 was a bumper year for Apostahunks--just for fun
by gwyneth ini was reading the "post your picture" thread for the first time today (saw the vivamus one, but not the newer one).
--you posted a comment and an age.
--you posted a comment with no age.
I was reading the "Post your Picture" thread for the first time today (saw the Vivamus one, but not the newer one). It is a popular thread, with many pages and many people contributing. As I was perusing the pictures, I stumbled across some of the male posters whose posts I usually seek out because they have something funny, poignant, insightful, raunchy, touching, or devilish to say--like Elsewhere, IP_SEC, Jourles, AuldSoul, and OpenFireGlass to name a few. They are all bunched up on this one thread, and easy to find. Then I started noticing something in common with those posters ...they are all 33 years old.
Being very bored tonight (and you will see just how bored, in a moment), I decided to do a little statistical experiment to see if there was any hard data to back up this strange finding. Were there really as many 33 year old males as it seems? This thread was a good place to look, as there were plenty of posts.
Disclaimer: "Selection bias...occurs only if volunteers or self-selected individuals are used in a study, because self-selected individuals (e.g., those who chose to participate in a [Post Your Picture thread]) may well differ from those who chose not to participate."--Statistics: Exploration & Analysis, (Devore, Peck, 2005.) In other words, the data collected is only "accurate" (and I use the term very loosely) for the Picture thread, and nothing else.
Parameters: All posters that fit the restrictions below were counted ONCE. It is assumed that posters counted were truthful about their actual age.
You were COUNTED if:
--you posted a picture and an age
--you posted a comment and an age
You were NOT COUNTED if:
--you posted a picture with no age
--you posted a comment with no age
--you posted a picture, it was cute, yet your profile says you are 105 years old
--you posted a picture OR comment and your profile says you are 100 years old or older, or a negative age, or your age really reflects the number of months/years on this board
Here is what I found:
As you can see, there is a large spike in the 33 age range for males (10 being counted.) In fact, there were NO females ON THAT THREAD who fit the restrictions (barring human error) who were 33. No other age group even comes CLOSE. For females, the magical year was 1976--six of you ladies posted pics/comments. My greatest outlier was Mouthy--79 years got cut off the chart.
All this proved is that there are many 33-yr old male apostates who post on picture threads. It doesn't explain the phenomenon, though. And since it is 2:43 a.m., I have neither the presence of mind nor the inclination to present a theory.
One thing I did learn--next time I get bored, I should just do my laundry.
Had to put my Cat to sleep last night - very sad!
by lovelylil ini am really sad today and miss my cat already.
he would have been 16 in november.
i found him out on the street when he was a year old.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to have to let go and end their suffering. My thoughts are with you.
How many here have left the org because of this board?
by mrsjones5 ini ask this question because saki said this in another topic:and i would assume that a lot of people on this board left due to this board alone "proving" the lies of the wts.
so, it this true or false?
or is this mostly true or mostly false?
No. I found this board 8 years after I'd left.
I don't know how I'm going to give them up...
by gwyneth ini bottle fed orphaned kittens from 3 weeks old--they are about 8 weeks old now.
i have become so attached to them!
my neighbor said she was bringing a friend over this afternoon to pick out a kitten to take home...i am having mixed feelings about this.
Gracie does pull on the heartstrings, doesn't she...she is the runt.
They were discovered in a military vehicle that was being transported from Jacksonville to Orlando. The soldier (friend of a friend) called and said that a cat jumped out of the open window as they approached the vehicle, but he didn't think anything of it...after they were on the road, he heard some noises and discovered 3 kittens. By the time they got to Daytona, he called to say a 4th kitten had been found barely alive in a crevice full of water...Gracie was almost submerged and valiantly kept her head above the water for over 2 hours. When we got her, we didn't think she was going to make it through the night...but now, although she's still the smallest, she is the most demanding and vocal and...accident-prone...(ahem.)
Small Business Banking
by mariposa in.
this has absolutly nothing to do with the dubs but i was hoping maybe some of ya'll could help me.... i have had it with my bank.
I feel your pain. I have been with SunTrust since opening my small business account in 1998. They suck. I have thought long and hard about where to go, also.
What is your biggest issue with them? Mine is the UCF, NSF and UAF explanations and implementation. 90% of the time I don't understand why I am being charged fees, when my statement clearly shows that there was never a negative balance in my account. I am tempted to hide the money under my mattress and pay by cash or postal money order for everything.
I have also tried to get loans for equipment purchases over the years...I have been denied four different attempts for loans, but finally this year, they opened me a line of credit. They denied the credit card request, though. Go figure.
I'd like to hear what you decide, and if you are happy with the new bank. Good luck!
I don't know how I'm going to give them up...
by gwyneth ini bottle fed orphaned kittens from 3 weeks old--they are about 8 weeks old now.
i have become so attached to them!
my neighbor said she was bringing a friend over this afternoon to pick out a kitten to take home...i am having mixed feelings about this.
Ah! I did not know that about the litter box. Thanks for the tips! I feel bad for being frustrated, now--it's not their fault.
I have one older male cat who refuses to come into the house anymore, because they assault him. lol He hisses and hides. He will not be a good example for the litter box. I may have to borrow my neighbor's cat.
I don't know how I'm going to give them up...
by gwyneth ini bottle fed orphaned kittens from 3 weeks old--they are about 8 weeks old now.
i have become so attached to them!
my neighbor said she was bringing a friend over this afternoon to pick out a kitten to take home...i am having mixed feelings about this.
I bottle fed orphaned kittens from 3 weeks old--they are about 8 weeks old now. I have become so attached to them! My neighbor said she was bringing a friend over this afternoon to pick out a kitten to take home...I am having mixed feelings about this. One the one hand, they are adorable and loveable, and on the other hand, they haven't seemed to get the hang of the litter box (which I was hoping would happen by now) and they are really disrupting my poor dog's life. My daughter named them all (not sure of the sexes, but the names seem to fit.) Erin is spending the night at a friend's house, and doesn't know about the adoption this afternoon. I dread this. I am afraid there will be tears all around.
will be gone for awhile.
by purplesofa in.
i cant email everyone ....dont have time.
my brother committed suicide.... have to be out of town for awhile.. purps
My thoughts are with you and your family.