The Usual Suspects starring Kevin Spacey
I was thinking of this one, too.
Also, The Others, with Nicole Kidman.
I enjoyed The Cooler, William H. Macy
it's been out a while and i know it's already been commented on here but i really enjoyed the village.
the creation of fear and the control that it allows must surely strike a chord.. recently i saw christian bale in the machinist.
bloody awesome!
The Usual Suspects starring Kevin Spacey
I was thinking of this one, too.
Also, The Others, with Nicole Kidman.
I enjoyed The Cooler, William H. Macy
i' curious how everyone came up with these unique alias names.
my partner gave me mine because my favorite meat is ham.. hambeak
it should be Worldly Andre, not Wordly Andre
All this time, when I saw your name, I pronounced it "Worldly" in my head. I didn't even notice the misspelling! D'oh!
Mine is just my first name, plain and simple. Not too imaginative, huh?
i've been thinking a lot about this lately and i would unhesitatingly say 'yes!'.
we've had our ups and downs - almost always my fault .
my god, how our upbringing can affect us!
Ian, what a heartwarming post.
helllllllllllllllllllllllll nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm with Lonelysheep on this one. I'm not married to him anymore. If I were, my answer would depend how the marriage had progressed through the years. But, when I was married to him, I used to desperately wish he would die in a car accident on the way home from work so I didn't have to go through the shame of a divorce in the eyes of the congregation. So I am thinking my answer would still be HELL NO, even if I were still stuck with him.
i was driving home today and elo's "mr. blue sky" came on.
i sang my ass off (closed windows of course).
whats your guilty pleasure song?
I mainly listen to alternative, but my guilty pleasure No. 1 right now is
Buttons.... Pussycat dolls
and "Ridin' Dirty" by Chamillionaire and "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder (SUCH a cheesy 80's hair band ballad sound, but it's growing on me) and "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot (ugh! a Christian band!)
i just started this hobby and this afternoon i found my first letterbox.
Thanks for fixing the link!
This sounds like alot of fun! I have never heard of it before. I could easily see a road trip/letterboxing vacation in the future....
here in the dfw area we've had no rain and 100+ f temps for several weeks.
it looks like we are about to get a bit of relief with some rain!
Well, I hope you get "real" rain and not
Rain or snow that evaporates as it falls into a layer of dry air near the earth’s surface
Cross your fingers!
i dont have many baby photos there all at my folks house .
but i found this the other day i think i was only bout 2 here .
so cmon everyone share your baby pics .
Wow, Luna, your son looks just like you! Now we know how he got so cute!
do you have a favourite song your listening to right now?.
usually, i admit i am a rap/hip hop fan but the song reflecting my mood today is 'the sound of silence - simon and garfunkel'.
Strong Enough, by Sheryl Crowe
I put "Strong Enough" on "repeat" whenever I have this CD in, and then sing until I'm hoarse.
But right now, listening to "Let Me Out" by Future Leaders of the World.
do you have a favourite song your listening to right now?.
usually, i admit i am a rap/hip hop fan but the song reflecting my mood today is 'the sound of silence - simon and garfunkel'.
"The Longships", Enya
i dont have many baby photos there all at my folks house .
but i found this the other day i think i was only bout 2 here .
so cmon everyone share your baby pics .