Nope, my daughter and I are watching "A Very Brady Wedding" or something on VH1.
JoinedPosts by gwyneth
Anyone watching the Miss Universe show?
by frozen one inoh my!
i'm pulling for miss brazil or miss paraguay.
Ann Coulter.
by Blueblades inwhat are your thoughts about her?
there has been some controversy about her lately.
anyone read her book the godless?.
Isn't she like the Republican version of Al Franken? My BF LOVES her and has her book. I haven't read it, so I don't have an opinion.
Stop the world! I want off!
by Elsewhere in.
sometimes we all find ourselves in periods of time where we are constantly hit by stress... right now is one of those times for me.
i seem to recall a little string i can pull on a bus to make it stop... now where is that thing for the earth???
Hi Elsewhere,
The Central Sleep Apnea *sounds* like the same thing that was described to me, but I don't remember that term being used. I was having chronic throat infections, and finally after my 6th Z-pack (antibiotics) in as many months, my doctor asked if I was snoring. I said, Yes! (Very unladylike, but true.) She signed me up for the sleep study, and they said I was waking up more than 205 times per night. They said I would stop breathing, and my heart would send a warning message to the brain to rouse me out of sleep enough to start breathing again. I went for the second sleep study, in which I was fitted with the CPAP. I slept AWESOME. My CPAP cost $1700, with all the attachments, and the humidifier. The humidifier was the most important piece to me. On nights that I naturally can't breathe because of a cold or allergies, I rub a generous amount of VapoRub under my nostrils before fitting the mask on. This, combined with the warm, moist air, really helps. At first, I used the CPAP religiously every night for 9 months, now I only use it about twice a week. I notice when I don't use it, but my symptoms are just not as bad. I have not had ONE throat infection in over a year.
Of course, this is just my experience--I can't tell if you've tried the sleep study with the CPAP and it failed..?. I hope you find some relief, because having interrupted sleep for several years can cause all kinds of physical (high blood pressure, fatigue) and mental problems (brain fog, can't concentrate or focus, etc.) Have you had any luck with your second opinions yet?
BTW, they promised that I would stop gaining weight after I started using the CPAP, because weight gain is a symptom of poor sleep--THEY LIED! lol
After 4 years, an introduction (hope it works this time!)
by gwyneth inive been a member of this board for just over four years, and i have never posted an introduction.
i mostly stick to the "fluff" threads, because they are safe.
i wont be attacked for an unpopular point of view, or hurt anyone elses feelings.
Hi TweetieBird! No, he was from the very same Kissimmee congregation that we attended for 3 months in 1978. I knew of brothers from DeLand, tho...that's as close to Daytona as I can get.
Pay it forward
by arrowstar inthe movie pay it forward is on right now and it got me to thinking (oh dear) about the concept.
have you been on the receiving end of it?.
What a sweet story, GentlyFeral.
Favorite Band as a teenager........
by whyamihere inas a teenager, what was your favorite band?
this band can be a local, main stream etc..... my favorite local band was little blue crunchy things, they were from milwaukee, wi.
(even hung out with them)!
Started my teenage years in 1983....I was the biggest Culture Club fan ever, and my parents actually took me to a concert in 1984! My dad was an elder! Duran Duran, Adam Ant, Hall & Oates, Dire Straits, Bryan Adams, Lionel Richie, Howard Jones, Sting, Peter Gabriel, Glass Tiger, Huey Lewis & the News. Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Firm when I had a crush on a boy who wore a marijuana earring. I also LOVED and had cassettes for The Kinks. Ray Davies=HOT. The Animals and the Zombies. I loved the White Album, Beatles. I spent hours trying to learn how to sing "Subterranean Homesick Blues" by Bob Dylan.
My dad's favorite thing to say when he heard us singing in the car to the radio:
"Too bad you don't know the scriptures as well as you know worldly song lyrics!"
past lives
by BlackSwan of Memphis inoops lets try again.
i've been wanting to ask people this for awhile.
what would your best guess be as to who you might have been in a past life?
Thanks, IP_SEC!!!
past lives
by BlackSwan of Memphis inoops lets try again.
i've been wanting to ask people this for awhile.
what would your best guess be as to who you might have been in a past life?
gwyneth was a Polite Cook
in a past life Seriously, though, my sister has gone all New Age on us, and she can communicate with her spirit guide. She did a "reading" for me, through my spirit guide (whom I cannot contact because I am "blocked." Imagine that.)
Anyway, my sister says that two of my past lives include that of a Native Florida Indian, male, in 986 C.E. And then a young English girl in the late 1700's. I had someone approach me at a party once and ask if I felt I was living in the wrong time period. She thought I belonged in the 1940's.
And why do I only get one font color choice--RED!? -
After 4 years, an introduction (hope it works this time!)
by gwyneth inive been a member of this board for just over four years, and i have never posted an introduction.
i mostly stick to the "fluff" threads, because they are safe.
i wont be attacked for an unpopular point of view, or hurt anyone elses feelings.
Hi Wasanelder,My daughter just turned 15.
She says she vaguely remembers singing and clapping at meetings. (She was used as prop during a C.O.'s visit one year...a talk about little children...he held her up on the platform while speaking--so glad she didn't cry!) The last meeting she went to was about age 3 or 4 (not sure if my ex-husband took her...he is no longer JW either, and only contacts her once a year now.) She has been brought up a total heathen, with no religious instruction whatsoever. It was hard for me to celebrate any of the holidays after I was an Ex-JW; my boyfriend had to take her trick or treating, because I just couldn't do it. Christmas was out of the question. Again, BF took over. (Of course, being an Apostate has changed all that! New attitude completely. Easter? Bring it on!)
I enrolled her in private school starting in Middle School, and it is affiliated with the Lutheran Church. The application asked what religion we were, how often we attended church, etc, and I left that entire section blank, but they accepted her. It has been wonderful for her. At least she is having some moral guidance (as well as a top-notch education and sports program, and excellent children to hang with.) I don't agree with some of the things they teach, but we discuss them at home, and I try to show her there are other ways of thinking. I get angry when she comes home with information that she learned in Religion (a daily required class) like, gays will burn in hell. She agonizes over her Religion homework, and I try to steer clear of helping her on that one (gives me the heebie jeebies)...She has Chapel Wednesdays, and they use the NIV Bible (sometimes I attend Chapel to hear her sing; she is always amazed that I can find scriptures faster than anyone around us.) They require the children to fill out cards every week to track the days they went to church--my daughter's is always completely blank at the end of the semester, but she doesn't seem to care, so I don't care. Overall, she is having just enough religious training to make her think twice about breaking some moral code, but not enough for her to be a fanatic.
After 4 years, an introduction (hope it works this time!)
by gwyneth inive been a member of this board for just over four years, and i have never posted an introduction.
i mostly stick to the "fluff" threads, because they are safe.
i wont be attacked for an unpopular point of view, or hurt anyone elses feelings.
LOL at the KY thing. When I was a JW I used to buy it as a *special* gift for the new bride to open later at home after her bridal shower. Then I'd tell the groom - (nudge, nudge) "you'll thank me later....."
Wish you'd been in my congregation, Freedomlover! I got silky granny panties and long cotton gowns at my shower.
I asked my mom why she didn't warn me, and she said, "You read so many books, I figured you'd read everything you needed to know." I said, "Since when have I been allowed to read a book about how to have sex!!!" A worldly friend from school got me, "Our Bodies, Ourselves" after I'd been married about a year. That was an eye opener.