The Bible mentions signs, but only someone trusting in God understands the sign that God gave him.
This happened several times to some in our family. The most notable:
1) A prayer was said to find "the true church of God"-KJV The Bible was opened, a finger placed on a verse,
and eyes opened. That verse was Ps. 83:18, "YHWH", "most High." For years, our family were JW's.
But we got it wrong, the sign wasn't Isa. 43: 10-12, you are my witnesses", "says Jehovah"-NWT
The sign wasn't about religion that called God by a German translated name,
but in was about true worship that puts YHWH above any would-be leaders of the flock.
2) The second next big thing was the last of our immediate family was going to drop off JW stuff
one last time at an elders house. Along the way, with a prayerful mind set, they wondered
if they were doing the right thing? Just before the exit , the overcast day revealed an opening in the sky.
It was exactly were the sun was, with one small cloud passed in front of it. The cloud was in the shape of a star,
and the elders talk about being "stars in Christ's right hand." So if they believed the elders, then they should
meet him with the stuff. But if the sign is interpreted as the elders are "standing in a holy place,"
competing with God and Christ for worship; then flee from them! The elder they planed on seeing was the most
moderate at that hall, but the most convincing. Had our family members gone there, he my have talked them into
staying! Make no mistake, when Gods does sends us a little nudge, it's no coincidence. So discern if He wants you
to go that way, or just to look out for a danger in that direction. God does miracles, we don't need a witch book of magic.