Fernando - Yes, this situation occurs, and there seems to be two results: either Cognitive Dissonance or PTSD (nervous breakdown, etc.). It seems to be a survival technique (the Cognitive Dissonance) with similarities to Stockholm syndrom, whereby one denies a problem because it is too paniful to face.
Unfortunately, I have always been very inquistive, which is advantaegous in certain lines of work, where innovation is important, but not helpful to somewhere like the Navy, or a high-control religion, where you are not meant to question, let alone think, but just follow commands. As a home-schooled child, I didn't know any better. As a teenager, I had my doubts, but gave a good go, because despite many doubts, some of what I was told made sense (and I didn't have much idea what the world was like),
but try as hard as I could, I just found it increasingly stressful, the more and more I put effort in to study well for meetings, to preach many hours a week, to do talks, to avoid 'worldly' entertainment, to stay single for MTS - I think the lack of recreation is unhealthy, i.e. for venting stress, which was overwhelming, but the answer is always that you are not doing enough, and when you do a bit more, Jehovah will bless you for being whole-souled.