I typed in 'UN' in the search field (WT cd) and started with the older articles first. So it didn't take too long to come across that article. I love this UN scandal stuff. It's so interesting. Thank you for bringing out this info. and thanks to hawk for all of your work.
I'm searching for more articles related to what you're looking for, haven't found any others yet.
However,I found this article interesting:
Here's a quote
*** Awake 1985 10/22 pg.6 The UN-Has It United the Nations? ***
"However, if nations do bring their problems to the UN, it is often to accuse and counteraccuse. The UN becomes a forum for political propaganda. That being so, you might ask, ‘How can the UN use its influence for peace?’
The answer given by UN officials is that the UN publicizes issues and tries to sway world opinion so that governments will respond. But in itself, it cannot take any armed action to prevent or impede a war."
Who helped to publicize UN issues? We did!!! (At least those of us who were publishers from 1991-Oct 2001)