mind, al religions are just BIG BUSINESS & they use God to make the sale!
You think the Dubs are WACKY, have you researched the Mormans & their history? If it didn't ruin so many lives, this chit would be funny!
i recall a conversation i once had with my jw uncle about the many doctrinal flip-flops, the blood issue, and how some in the cong.
treated me like @w#$@ even though i was never baptized.. funny, the only thing he could defend himself with was "well, do you know of any other religion that insists on god's name?
" i didn't know of any, so i coudn't really say yes.
mind, al religions are just BIG BUSINESS & they use God to make the sale!
You think the Dubs are WACKY, have you researched the Mormans & their history? If it didn't ruin so many lives, this chit would be funny!
my son (who's 15) came home from the meeting last night (he thinks he wants to be a witness, but that's in another thread) and said that his grandmother (my mother-in-law) told him my reason for not going to meetings (the un thing, also discussed in another thread).
he told me that i need to talk to the po about it as he had heard about it a while back and has some information.. hmmmm, me thinks the mom-in-law has been talking to the po about what i told her last week.
i'm sure that i will be getting a shepherding call (a drop-by, unscheduled visit) by him this weekend.
Tweetie, at the risk of being too bold, I would like to know, why do you care about how you are preceived by the henchmen of the WT?
I realize that your actions will cause problems, but if you stick to the REAL truths, why worry?
Freedom always haz a PRICE!
diamond's thread inspired this idea... at least, this is how i wish my last talk had gone.. next on the school is brother hmmm.
his talk is based on the song of solomon, and his theme is: "be steadfast and faithful, like the shulamite maiden.. "throughout history, babylon the great, the world empire of false religion, has fornicated with the scarlet-colored wild beast.
they have traded support for the league of nations--and it's successor the united nations--for political clout and expediency in furthering their selfish goals.
Hmmm, very clever! The sad reality however,iz that you can say anything to a BRAINWASHED person & they won't hear you, thats THE BEAUTY OF IT!
"You can knock on a deaf mans door forever", Zorba
since my mothers ilness it prometed me to write a out reach leaflet heres the contents i wrote it 2 weeks ago when my mother passes away i will be giving a few copies to all local kingdom halls see what yer think folks theres pictures and stuff o the leaflets if any one wold like some posting free of chrge let me know happy reading folks.
jehovahs .
Mark, very true on the WT Zombies, but all religions due the same thing, that iz, REPLACE YOUR THOUGHTS WITH THEIRS!
Some are just more subtle than others.
if we tolerate this then our children will be next.. we have got to put a stop to this mad organisation.. giving people false hopes taking away thier lives , their free will.. i lost 27 years of my life to jehovahs witness from a newborn baby my mind was filled with their teachings , i was going to live forever never going to die .. all life was to be centered around the truth.. i trusted these people and all i got was a kick in the teeth when i questioned it.. there has got to be something we can do , lets not let our hands be tied .. i dont k now what can be done but if we don't do something soon the org is just going to change people will start flocking in again and more lives will be ruined.
I agree totaly! Things are changing though. Boards such az this one & the loss of their "Armageddon just around the corner" crap will cause many of the sheep to awaken.
please,there are still x-dubs posting on this board that think they are free from the watchtower.
they say things like, "well it may not be the perfect truth, but they, (the wt) still teach good morals" etc.. remember we are talking about brainwashing here, & its a very tricky & insidious practice!.
i have devised a simple test.
Jan, so az long az an organization does some good, they aren't considered evil?
I can't think of of a religion or an organization that doesn't or hazen't done some good & that includes the Nazis & the KKK, though I get your RELATIVITY drift.
The WT operates on the premis of being Gods only channel etc.,etc.,& we know this iz a falsehood, thats b&w to me!
please,there are still x-dubs posting on this board that think they are free from the watchtower.
they say things like, "well it may not be the perfect truth, but they, (the wt) still teach good morals" etc.. remember we are talking about brainwashing here, & its a very tricky & insidious practice!.
i have devised a simple test.
Can one be A LITTLE PREGNANT, or iz that too black & white?
yoyo said:.
<<<i'm sorry i seemed like a jerk with my comments, but you have to understand that i too get pissed when opposers of jehovah's witnesses throw out accusations left and right and never the see the good that we do.>>>.
the concept of "good" as seen through the eyes of a jw elder has been discussed numerous times on this board.. i'm sure the "good" as you see it only comes from your personal perspective.
seven0006, excellent post, sez it all!
I can think of very little to add except, the fact that they always blame the followers for all their screw-ups. DAMN COWARDS!
please,there are still x-dubs posting on this board that think they are free from the watchtower.
they say things like, "well it may not be the perfect truth, but they, (the wt) still teach good morals" etc.. remember we are talking about brainwashing here, & its a very tricky & insidious practice!.
i have devised a simple test.
MissSC & Skeptic, thanx for the comments,however I think you missunderstood me.
First of all my brother & daughter are caught in the Watchtower & they are wonderfull, loving people, so this iz not about people.
I understand that the TEST waz black & white, but you have to ask yourself if the WT iz premised on a lie? LIES ARE BLACK & WHITE!
If it iz, then even though they preach some good things it matters not! What iz a , "wolf in sheeps clothing" mean, other than having some good things to attract followers & snare them in their trap!
You give the WT credit for getting some people off drugs etc., didn't Jim Jones do the same thing? The radical Muslims don't drink & look what they do!
The bottom line iz this, the WT haz robbed people of their FREEDOM, & they have succeeded in doing this by selling a pack-of-lies along with some very good brainwashing!
I have nothing good to say about them & wish only for their demise!
patriotism isn't only by the flag?.
by robyn blumner.
(c) st. petersburg times, published november 11, 2001. the american flag has truly come into its own in recent weeks, replacing suction-cupped garfield's as the accouterment of choice for our cars.. everywhere you look, the flag is hanging out of car windows-unless there is a football game and the local team flag takes precedence.
FACT: The JW's are free to spread their LIES,& hide behind their IVORY WATCHTOWER tax free because of the brave men & women that have put their lives on the line in our military & they do this while they preach their BLOODY downfall! BASTARDS!