Topics Started by moman
The blood card?
by moman inhow many innocent people have died on the borg's altar of insanity with the prohibition of blood?
now they are trying to weesel out of it, no more blood cards, a de-emphasis on the whole issue of blood, the cowerdly bastards!.
this is a powerful litmus test as to their level of brain-washing, the death of hundreds or thousands & little, if any outcry.. well, i guess if you are calling yourself a sheep?.
The "Blood Game" ?
by moman in.
been away for a while, anyway, whats the latest with the blood card scam?
is the borg pretending this one away also?
Sucides-WT-mental illness
by moman inwhen questioning the rate of sucides among jw's & how the #'s compare to the general population , i believe these things are of worthy to note:.
the "high wire act".
the whole demeanor of the rank& file jw is bred from a impossibly awkward & fabricated persona.
Another J.W. Sucide
by moman inanother one of god's wonderous creatures has taken her life, another j.w.
sucide, how sad!.
there will be those (mostly jw's) that say the borg had nothing to do with it & they may be right, but i doubt it.. her name, leah turnbull, formaly leah malik, of omaha nebraska, anyone know her?
Killing the Hydra! (Amazing help!)
by moman into me the watchtower is like a hydra, with a trunk & many heads.
(lets call brooklyn & the branches the trunk & the many kingdumb halls the heads.).
the borg's lawyers are pros at defending the trunk, so lets consentrate on the heads.. the borg,(central headquarters), has been busy seperating itself from the indivudal halls in an effort to better fend off litigation.. (question,are the p.o.
One scripture that proves the WT is false
by moman inif you believe that paul was inspired then you can't believe the watchtower follows jehovah's way.. the apostle paul wrote.
"...we are walking by faith, not by sight" .
2co5:7. if paul is correct, why would true christians need "gods visual organization on earth", the answer can only be, drum roll please..... because the watchtower has no faith!
by moman inof course the sexual abouse of children is horrible, but what about the "slaughter of the innocnents" by the borg?.
a child does have the chance to recover from abuse, but not death!.
the watchtower knows that its blood policy is based on misinterpretation of schripture & bad science, yet they allow this insane policy to continue, as more die every day, after all, "jehovaha's people are a happy people!".
Watchtower & natural disasters
by moman in) survivors of natural disasters, such as a tornado, go through three stages.. 1)shock & disbelief.
2)exhilaration (who cares about our material possessions) .
we are alive!.