I always found an excuse or something else to do, I hated the cleaning, I do enough of it at home.
what part of the hall was your favorite part to clean?
was it the bathrooms, the main hall, library or lunch room perhaps...did people use cleaning the hall as an excuse to get self-righteous?
let me know.... lol.
I always found an excuse or something else to do, I hated the cleaning, I do enough of it at home.
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This is great I really needed the French version.....Thanks.....
as a jw, i never thought that i was in a cult.
i thought that other religions were a cult, but not us.. what made you realize that the jw's is a cult?
When they try to control what you think all the time, and putting everyone down except for the dubs.
i did it many times.
first of all, let me say that just about every meeting i attended was a sacrifice for me.
i was a follower, not more.
I used to do it all the time, I faked appointements, emergencies, work you name it.... I hated it so much.
ok, this is what i eat for breakfast: 2 whole wheat toasts with strawberry jam and a glass of orange juice....that's it... .
i guess that i don't eat enough at breakfast time, because 2 hours later, i'm already hungry for lunch .
Besides my girlfriend......... Bagel and a Coffee
Fresh meat !!! Yummy!!!
yes i guess its a hard thing to find... any help would be appreciated.... thanks..... .
Thanks Neonmadman,
Will send you my e-mail at once.....
because it shows everyone in the community how cruel, unloving, hateful and distorted the cult can be at a moment's notice.
when a jw shuns an ex-member in public as the ex-member greets the jw with a smile and in a friendly manner the normal reaction of people who see this is repugnancy.
they see how hypocritical the jw's are because they go 'from house to house' proclaiming their love for other people and then display their real hearts when they encounter an ex-member.
Well I do work with 4 JW's at work and since I left the borg in 2002, only one of them talks to me, the 3 others shun me and my work collegues find that stupid, childish and not well manered. Sometimes I'll do a sarcastic remark to them like lost your tounge so and so.... It carcks up the other workers and the JW's go away...
yes i guess its a hard thing to find... any help would be appreciated.... thanks..... .
Yes I guess its a hard thing to find... any help would be appreciated.... Thanks....
well a month ago i had a real surprise at my door and elder and his wife showed up at my door, i did not know this elder yet he knew a bit about me that i left my ex jw wife and that i was out since nov. 2002 , and they asked me if i wanted to come back to the truth and be re-intergrated into the dubs..... .
strange no????
i dont get them....... .
Yes they did Buttlight thats what is so strange, the elder I only talked about 5 minutes to them, asked me if it was my depression at the time that made me write the letter of disassociation. I replyed that no, it was how they distroyed my life.