JoinedTopics Started by Lapuce
Need revelation book in PDF format.
by Lapuce ini was just wondering if anyone has the revelation book on pdf format, i would need a copy of it.
thanks in advance.
I took for the first time my kids tricker-treating !!!
by Lapuce inyes i did it, i finally took my two kids out on halloween for their first time!!!
i will remember this i think for the rest of my life!
my two boys, the oldest 9, dressed as a pirate and the youngest 5 as spiderman.
Have you ever snapped at someone in field service?
by Lapuce inhave this happend to anyone and if so, what happend ?.
it happend on a cold winterday in service, i was with my dub wife and another couple doing the door to door thingy, anyways i get to this door and the guy starts threating me, since i am quite large(beefy) i snapped back at him and sharted yelling like him and daring him to fight me, my wife got so mad after that incident and the the other couple didn't say a word.
i did leave, but it was a close one.
Where Can I find a Pay Attention to the Flock book in PDF format ???
by Lapuce in.
yes i guess its a hard thing to find... any help would be appreciated.... thanks..... .
They came back to my door after almost 3 years!!!
by Lapuce inwell a month ago i had a real surprise at my door and elder and his wife showed up at my door, i did not know this elder yet he knew a bit about me that i left my ex jw wife and that i was out since nov. 2002 , and they asked me if i wanted to come back to the truth and be re-intergrated into the dubs..... .
strange no????
i dont get them....... .
About my ex wife, I am now really confused...
by Lapuce inwell i guess this is a though one, but i will as you what do you think i sould do as it has been bugging me for for the past week.. .
here is, i've been divorced form my ex wife since july and seperated since the new year, i always liked here but could not stand all the bull from being da'd as here friends and mine could not talk and meet anymore because of this.
now she wants me back (she is still a dub) and would like for me to go back and marry her again, this time at the kingdom hall and simply being incative, doing what i want but being with me, so all could be normal again, i know i would have to fake all again to be re-instated, and bullshit all until i get married, then do nothing just be a dub in title, so that i could be again with the one i love???
Now that I am DA'ed.....
by Lapuce inwell dec 17 is the first day that i finally got out of the borg, thanks for all your help in making me see the real world.. .
i wrote my letter after many arguements with my highly fanatic jw wife of which i think divorce will probally follow as has been witnessing to me ever since my doubts 2 years ago.
ok so its hard, no firends, well at least i do have a few here.
Too wierd to be true... but it is... Elders???
by Lapuce inwell yesterday i go the visit of two elders of my congregation, my wife told them that i was acting like an apostat as i talked two days before to two mormons, yes i told them that that they were in a cult like the jw's and they couldn't think for themselves like us, boy i got a real sermon from them, my wife told them that i was on anti-depresants and that they made me ack a bit crazy sometimes, well i know one thing, it wont be the last time i will here from them.
i know 3 years ago i got a talk by the elders but that time it was for buying lotto tickets, again my wife found a ticket in my pocket that i forgot when i put my cholths for washing.
i got the talk, but no sanctions again.
Hello I'm new here...
by Lapuce ini really love this web site and yes i'm a jw still, have been for 8 years now, i'm 35 and am married to a jw and have two boys one is 1-1/2 and the other 5. for about 2 to 3 years now i'm starting to see that its not really the truth.
the brothers, sisters and elders dont really care about anyone, the watchtower is ruining my life, i have been depressed for awhile now and i'm on anti depressants as i started feeling suicidal as i'll never be good enough as i hate meetings, i hate going door to door, and it doesn't make any sense that jehovah will destroy good people just because they don't follow its doctrins.
its like saving to your son if you don't do what i tell you i will kill you.