The hook, well I was very lonely at this time in 1992-93, just lost my girlfriend, and got hooked by a workcolege which was a witness which I ended marrying, then divorceing and remarrying... She is still a witness, me I faded away...
were you able to fulfill or remove that need in some way?
did fulfilling that need make it possible or easier for you to exit the wt?
The hook, well I was very lonely at this time in 1992-93, just lost my girlfriend, and got hooked by a workcolege which was a witness which I ended marrying, then divorceing and remarrying... She is still a witness, me I faded away...
gbsjg just made a comment that the watchtower will feature the article on 'new light' this weekend.
what a perfect opportunity for a visiting brother to a congregation (or incognito apostate) to answer with some honest and thought provoking comments.
"i find it interesting that the watchtower criticises some religions for not changing their old doctrines and creeds, and other religions that do progressively change them for having had them wrong in the first place, and yet we seem to be doing the same ourselves.".
Its not a watchtower study its new laws of the Governing body.....Or new dictatorship rules
concerning the hours pubs are expected to put in every months the "national" average is usually a guide and everyone strives to "do" this amount.
but since it is "national and not "international" is seems quite a coincidence that everyones country has this 10 hours average.. also since the pioneer and aux pioneer hours went down, surely the national average must have of too.
i cant remember any articles saying the average had now gone down to 6 ...............hooray .
Yes counted my breaks and sometimes even the bookstudy when I didn't have much time, well they did say to count bible studies no???
just type in a song that is typical of your tastes and the site will create a 'station' that continually plays music you should like.
fantastic to have in the background if you are surfing, even better if your pc is the heart of your music system.. it does not play requests, that isn't what it's about, although your original selection will end up in the playlist.
by the way, did i say i think this is fantastic!.
Excellent site.... great..... I'm listening to it while I type now...
difference cultures count differently.. some ,i believe can only count up to about 4.. this raises a good question,if say noah could count to ten,how came some cultures don't even count up to ten..
Jehovah provided the tools ... Type of answer an elder would say...
i was reading about carl o jonsson and how the wts df'd him because he found out about the 586/607 contraversy.
i was wondering how many people are unfairly kicked out of the wts because they have some damaging info on the wts that could lead to a massive exodus.
i know when i found out about beth sarim the elders told me not to tell any other jw's about it.
Couldn't agree more with you Frannie, They will DF'ed you because they are scared that others will know whats really going on...
Very entertaining and funny, I guess there is BS for everyone gto corrupt the scriptures...
there i am, saturday morning, 9am, having a coffee with my kids, hair very messy, no make up, pj's on still, and they show up!
why do they never phone first and make an appointment?
i have asked them to do this but they won't comply.
I love Steeker's solutions...... especially #9. loll.... annalice and i were discussing this topic the other day and now i pose it to you.
remember all those talks from the platform where the brothers encouraged the congregation that as far as putting in hours in the field ministry that we must remember that if brother a can only put in 5 hours a month and he puts that 5 hours a month in, then he is doing all that he can (applause, applause) and if brother b can put in 50 hours a month and he does, there is no difference between brother a and brother b, because they are both doing all they can in jehovah's work.. well then, why is it that if brother a faithfully puts in that 5 hours a week, he can't carry microphones, he can't lead the congregation in prayer and he can't hold any priveleges, because he doesn't put in hours that match the national average??
isn't that making brother a feel like shit and that he is unworthy?
Well I know how it felt being Brother "A" and being treated like a second or third class brother, I wasn't good enough for them, only read up front the Watchtower once, because three brothers that usually do it were not there..... I did put also the congregations route system on pc for them, yes lots of work, but I counted the hours as service time.... It pushed my hours alot for a couple of months though... Lapuce
random memory of the week while drinking my double single this morning.
do any of my fellow canucks remember when this contest first came out in canada and hearing this story?
a single mother pioneer sister with low income was having doubts about being able to continue pioneering due to having vehicle troubles, lots of expensive repairs versus no income to get them fixed.
I guess anything random can be seen by the JW's as a sign of god... Makes their life more thrilling I guess