I love Steeker's solutions...... especially #9. loll....
JoinedPosts by Lapuce
Elders have no manners
by Jez inthere i am, saturday morning, 9am, having a coffee with my kids, hair very messy, no make up, pj's on still, and they show up!
why do they never phone first and make an appointment?
i have asked them to do this but they won't comply.
Those wonderful, insightful, platform talks.......
by LivingInReality in...so annalice and i were discussing this topic the other day and now i pose it to you.
remember all those talks from the platform where the brothers encouraged the congregation that as far as putting in hours in the field ministry that we must remember that if brother a can only put in 5 hours a month and he puts that 5 hours a month in, then he is doing all that he can (applause, applause) and if brother b can put in 50 hours a month and he does, there is no difference between brother a and brother b, because they are both doing all they can in jehovah's work.. well then, why is it that if brother a faithfully puts in that 5 hours a week, he can't carry microphones, he can't lead the congregation in prayer and he can't hold any priveleges, because he doesn't put in hours that match the national average??
isn't that making brother a feel like shit and that he is unworthy?
Well I know how it felt being Brother "A" and being treated like a second or third class brother, I wasn't good enough for them, only read up front the Watchtower once, because three brothers that usually do it were not there..... I did put also the congregations route system on pc for them, yes lots of work, but I counted the hours as service time.... It pushed my hours alot for a couple of months though... Lapuce
Roll Up the Rim to Win~ Truly a Loving Provision of Jehovah
by damselfly inrandom memory of the week while drinking my double single this morning.
do any of my fellow canucks remember when this contest first came out in canada and hearing this story?
a single mother pioneer sister with low income was having doubts about being able to continue pioneering due to having vehicle troubles, lots of expensive repairs versus no income to get them fixed.
I guess anything random can be seen by the JW's as a sign of god... Makes their life more thrilling I guess
"Pravda" means "truth," so this MUST be true, right?
by Nathan Natas in.
i mean, why would they make up an untrue story?.
Quote from Wombat: "Gee.. There some good pics of cute chicks here. Worth checking out"....... Thats why I didn't see those angels.....
Is there depression in the new system???
by hallelujah in.
cause there's certainly depression in the wt world.
Welcome to paradise..... I meant Prozac......
The CO says --
by stillajwexelder inthe co has said in his latest talks "some have lost their sense of urgency and the organization is worried about it" .
even in the apostles day there was a a sense of urgency
Well I know in the cong where I was from the numbers are going down in the hours of D2D and they are getting less and less contributions, but there are still alot of people on sunday meetings, but the school and bookstudy are lacking alot of dubs....
Roll Up the Rim to Win~ Truly a Loving Provision of Jehovah
by damselfly inrandom memory of the week while drinking my double single this morning.
do any of my fellow canucks remember when this contest first came out in canada and hearing this story?
a single mother pioneer sister with low income was having doubts about being able to continue pioneering due to having vehicle troubles, lots of expensive repairs versus no income to get them fixed.
Well the circuit overseer won a few years back here in Quebec, But since the WBTS did give him a car already, I guess he sold it and send all the money to the bethel..... what a waste....
So how are JW's doing in 2006?
by SickofLies inok, so i had to go to the meeting last sunday and i was bored out of my mind, but i put this together while i was there and it is based on the latest figures for 2005, i though some here would find it interesting.. .
in the 2006 year book the following figures are reported: (note these are for 2005).
branches of jw's: 112. number of lands reporting: 235. total congregations: 98,268. world wide memorial attendance: 16,383,333. memorial partakers worldwide: 8,524. avg.
I hope 2006 will be even worst!!!
Scientists Find Water on Saturn Moon
by bavman inthe cassini spacecraft has found evidence of liquid water spewing from geysers on one of saturn's icy moons, raising the tantalizing possibility that the celestial object harbors life.
the surprising discovery excited some scientists, who say the saturn moon, enceladus, should be added to the short list of places within the solar system most likely to have extraterrestrial life.. recent high-resolution images snapped by the orbiting cassini confirmed the eruption of icy jets and giant water vapor plumes from geysers resembling frozen old faithfuls at enceladus' south pole.. "we have the smoking gun" that proves the existence of water, said carolyn porco, a cassini imaging scientist from the space science institute in boulder, colo.. if enceladus does harbor life, it probably consists of microbes or other primitive organisms capable of living in extreme conditions, scientists say.. the findings were published in friday's issue of the journal science.. david morrison, a senior scientist at nasa's astrobiology institute, cautioned against rushing to judgment about whether the tiny moon could support life.
scientists generally agree habitats need several ingredients for life to emerge, including water, a stable heat source and the right chemical recipe.. "it's certainly interesting, but i don't see how much more you can say beyond that," morrison said.. scientists believe mars and jupiter's icy moons might have or once had conditions hospitable to life.. saturn is around 800 million miles from earth.
I'm familiar with Saturn, I drive one loll...
Is there depression in the new system???
by hallelujah in.
cause there's certainly depression in the wt world.
depression in the spiritual paradise thus depression in the new system I'm feeling already depressed by all of this...