Very interesting to hear people talking about me and my case.
Jonab, you seem to know alot. I I thought Howe's name did end in "e". You must know him personally. Very interesting. Did you make it to any days of my trial.? I must know you. You know Frank M, and I know most people he knows. Perhaps you are a relative of the elders, or even a relative of mine. None of them talk to me. They all sat at the trial on the elders side. Even after they heard the truth , and that my father did abuse me. Not one person said they were sorry for not believing me. Not even my grandmother. Shows how sick they all are.
The point I want to make clear is this. As a jw, you are told that you do not go outside the church for anything. So therefore the elders are the only place to go. If they want you to go to them with your problems, then they must be prepared to deal with them. They should be a safe place to go, as I said on the 5th estate, not a place to tear you apart. I begged not to confront my father!!!! I told the elders i was scared, and that I could not talk about the details of the abuse in front of him as they have told me I had to do. But they called bethel, and guess what, bethel said I had no choice. I had to confront my father or else! Then they blamed me for wearing pj's around the house, and even blamed my mother, saying perhaps she wasn't giving my father his "due"(sex). The judge liked that one!.
So, If you say that you are part of a loving organization, that loves their children, you are wrong! In my case they had no excuse. The elders had 5 other elders telling them it was wrong, but they went behind their back and did it anyway as was directed by bethel. Special instructions. Nice. All of this came out at trial. Even Mr.Brown admitted that i was told to forgive my father, and show signs of forgiveness. So even though it made me sick, i put my arm around my dad at the hall. I was scared that if I didn't I would be d'fd. He was not publically reproved. Only the elders knew of his crimes. THE congregation did not know. The would not have even known that his priviledges were taken. Sorry my spelling is bad. Lack of a good education. But I have a good heart.
It is a difficult time for me. It is taking a long time for the judge to make a decision. I want to close that part of my life. Thanks sf for clarifying. Hugs to you too. I needs lots of them. (hence my name) I know its slang.
I will keep everyone informed if a decision is made.