This is a difficult thing, abuse. Its takes years for abuse victums to come to terms with the abuse. What I don't understand is how family members can treat you as if you were the abuser. I have family members who won't talk to me, and I have never done anything to them. I just don't understand. Yet my father gets sympathy from them. "poor dad, he is so scared that his new girlfriend will find out about the abuse, this trial has marked him forever, do you see what you have done, its hard for us as your brothers and sisters to listen to you about the trial and your pain." All things I hear all the time. No matter how much I try, Iam always the bad one. So I try and keep my pain to myself. But it hurts, and they don't seem to understand that. Its like they are saying" we don't care how you feel, its your problem not mine" Why does it have to be this way. I don't call them everyday or even every month and tell them about the trial. I only talk about it when something new has happened. They are not even jw's anymore either. But then maybe its me. Maybe I have become someone that I don't see. Are they seeing someone they don't know anymore. Am I really a person who has so much anger, that even I don't see it.
Time feels like its taking its toll. SOmetimes I feel like I could just leave all this behind. Run away, and start again. No abuse, no pain, a fresh start. I feel like the barrer of the ring. Like frodo. I don't know how much longer I can bear this burden. I just wish someone else could do it for a while, so I can breath again, and love again, and feel happy when I wake up in the morning, and when I go to sleep at night.
Is this what I was put on this earth to do. How long must a person carry these things.