Unfortunately our language has a limited number of words which we all commonly use and understand. These words start to sound like trumpets in our ears as we try and express ourselves in religious and caring tones.
Certainly anyone reading these posts can detect an acute synicism from some [not all] and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know where that came from. Since I have freinds who have made themselves SLAVES to this unusual ideology, which I along with many of you, found detestable and without real commpassion as taught in the bible, I feel as one you beleives in the GOD of heaven and HIS miracles of love [another one of those common words] even those who have been so badly defiled can find the real GOD through his own efforts. Some of you are still raw from the scourging. And some may remain bitter the rest of their lives. Some will turn to other gods, as a way to escape and resist all attempts of caring persons to direct them to the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD.
If this sounds trite to some of you skip the parts you don't like, but don't turn your back on truth. The WTC claimed this truth only for themselves....the ultimate lie....That is the revelation of a true cult. The Watch Tower Magazine, when read with an open mind, continually condemns it's own religion. One of the articles I recall is where they are defending themselves against acusations that they are a cult. They use defenses like " were not a cult because we read the bible, because people who have thought the worst of us have found that we're nice smiling people, that we hold are meetings in public buldings"....and on and on adnauseam. It was strange to me that an argument such as this would even be made. It's like someone calling someone else stupid. " I'm not stupid cause my mom says I'm not"; i'm not stupid cause I was told by a man I met once that said I knew what I was talking about."
There are approx. 6 billion people in this world. Does it seem reasonable that we can all claim to have our own religion? Do athiests have any defence for there beleif in nothing? It's a cop out for lack of any kind of faith. Is there a test for understanding and believing what an athiest believes? NOT HARDLY! But there is one that the scriptures and Christ proposed. If you don't know what they are then look them up.
5 a If any of you lack b wisdom, let him ask of God, that c giveth to all men liberally, and d upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
6 But let him a ask in b faith, nothing c wavering . For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
(John 7:16-18)
16 Jesus answered them, and said, My a doctrine is not mine, but his that b sent me.
17 If any man will a do his b will, he shall c know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own a glory : but he that seeketh his b glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.
Where in all the religions in all the world make promises like these?
Some of you make declarations that GOD is some how evil for what appears to you things descibed in the Bible as evil and hateful. These tests are for people like you. How can anyone understand the ways of GOD without knowing GOD. No one in the neighborhood likes Johnny who lives down the street. His parents love him because they know him and understand him. If you don't know someone you cannot make judgements about them which are valid. We also want to place are standards in a culture we have absolutely know real understanding of. If as a slave you were beaten everyday of you life, would a slap on the wrist carry any weight. Would a people which were as hard as nails who survived under such tyrrany and harshness have anything in common with us. Can we give GOD any credit for knowing anything greater then we do?
Many of you have sought for GOD and some have a good relationship with him. Others have been mislead and used by THE WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING. Man has proven himself throughout time to be very resilent. There are ups and downs and always will be. This life makes it possible for most to test many waters. My purpose, although imperfectly stated, is to help you search for the one true GOD where HE himself says HE can be found...Through, "down on your bloody knees" and absolute humility. Then and only then is he available. Words of the Bible only point the way. They cannot make a relationship...this is not a pen pal thing. GOD is a toughing , feeling being of absolute pure love. You can only get that through the gift and promise of the HOLY GHOST. And hopfully one day we may be in HIS presents on our own accord.
I believe that all faiths and all religions have truth....some more than others. I believe because GOD loves all of HIS children HE gives to them as much as they are able to receive. And by a process of continually revealing to man more and more of HIS truth HE teaches us about HIMSELF. If this were the only school yard and the only time where this could happen then it would be a empty pretense because there just isn't enough time here to learn it all, not to mention those who die without ever knowing anything.
I am not going into any actual doctine. Being dogmatic is not my intention. I know the real truth can be learned. To find it we have to do it the way GOD intended us to find it. Humility, prayer and sincerity. Once you find it you can help others to find it. But not through dogmatism but through GOD HIMSELF. If HE is real HE will reveal HIMSELF unto all who seek HIM. If HE has authorized representatives here on earth HE will also REVEAL that as well.