fransis, where can I find some of your published works?
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
eh that whats your mammy calls ya. has I said something ta upsets ya ..frankie boy? sounds like you are harboring some sort of a grudge. frankie, you may have some limited talents at writing, but you ideas are all mixed up. surely, that big bad school you teach at would be ashamed of your denigration of other points of view or knowledge in general even if it doesn't agree with your very biased perceptions. Your picture looks like you're fairly intellegent but I guess thats why they say "looks can be deceiving".
Edited by - QUANTUM on 10 July 2002 13:17:43
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
you are mistaken also. first of all.....does your board name imply you like to dance on peoples graves?.......That has a rather malicious and venomous conotation. Are you that bitter or are just making sport?
You may have been deceived at some time in your life which has given you a baneful nature. If you new who you really are your attitude would have a rebirth. I'm going to try to make that happen. Or you can turn this off by crawling back into that grave you so love to dance on.
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
I believe you are somewhat mistaken syn........The god of this world has never left ......Some of the other Gods have periodically made their appearence from time to were just probably looking the other way or engrossed in a little self pity at the syn. The handel you've chosen for this board makes it appear you have an inferiority must try to get over that.
The GOD I am exploring in this thread may end up surprising you when all of the facts are revealed. Be patient..... We'er just getting started.
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
The Nag Hammadi library was discovered in Egypt In 1946...two years before the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Nag H. text is written in coptic..a long hand form of ancient Egypt..The problem has been for the 1st ...30 years, after the discovery, the lack of scholars with coptic language skills. Most recently there has been a serge of translation into English and new vistas of understanding are opening up.
Gnostics became a blight on the early Christian church but this Egyptian sect was early enough that they were very close to the original church and the Apostles. Their writings confirm this as well as much of the doctrine. There is, however, doctrines which the later patristic fathers and even the later councils wanted to deny. Much of the original writing and doctrines had become either corrupted or lost entirely. That change with their discovery in 1946. The history of Gnostic thinking can now be traced which helps us understand early Christian thought and development........This stuff is not hidden under a log or in the Vatican.....they are on the them. you might be surpized if you haven't lost all vestige of you former beliefs and faith.
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
There seems to be an err of intolerance filtering in from the hapless quarters of X ville. "You're a lovely bunch of coconuts" but you don't seem to have enough red blood cells.....lack of transfusions I suppose.
there is so much more to come that I hope you can all keep your dresses down. What you may think you know is alot different then actually knowing......Old Zeek said " it weren't my ignorance that done me up but what I know'd dat wasn't so"!......if you have the cognative ability to offer something of a positive and at least a partly educated response, we just won't be able to stop the fun tinker bell.
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
One test of the Book of Enoch and for the thesis of this review is that the book claims that the constellations, or "signs," were shown to Enoch and this article proposes that they tell the story of the gospel throughout history. Surely then, we should find some reference to the constellations in that volume. Here we hit the jackpot because many of its chapters refer to the stars either directly or indirectly. While all of the scriptures use the same imagery as the constellations, the Book of Enoch is our "star witness" because its author uses the symbolism explicitly, even giving the names of the stars. We shall see in these articles that not only does Enoch testify of the constellations, but the constellations become yet another witness of the Book of Enoch.
On key point is that the Book of Enoch states that an angel of God showed Enoch where to draw the constellation figures:
For the signs, the seasons, the years, and the days, Uriel showed me; the angel whom the Lord of glory appointed over all the luminaries. Enoch 74:4-7
Thus, this scripture states that the constellations (the "signs") were not just the work of great men, even like Enoch, but rather an angel revealed them to Enoch. When Enoch saw the constellations signs in the heavens revealed to him, he exclaimed:
"I blessed the Lord of glory, who had made those great and splendid signs, that they might display the magnificence of his works to angels and to the souls of men; and that these might glorify all his works and operations; might see the effect of his power; might glorify the great labor of his hands; and bless him forever." Enoch 35:3
We can see how closely this verse parallels Psalms which said the heavens declare the glory of God. When Enoch understood the true meaning of the constellations he blessed the Lord of glory for having made those splendid signs.
The book of Enoch was rediscovered in 1821. Since the late 1800s and throughout the 20 th century, vast librarys of ancient writings have been discovered which are giving us a greater understanding of what the ancients knew and the source of their knowledge. The relationship we have to these ancient peoples is closer than you may care to think. However, the evidence is becoming overwhelming in favor of, NOT A MYTHICAL GOD, but one who has had a plan for his children ( offspring) from the very beginning and we are all apart of this GREAT design.
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
I understand your problem ss...and your pictures are probably very nice but I have more important matters to attend right now...maybe someone else can come out and play with you.
Josephus. The Jewish historian Josephus, who wrote in the first century A.D., had many records available to him which are no longer extant. He states that Seth and his descendants
"were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world would be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both..." [9]
Here we learn that not only had Seth and the other patriarchs invented the science of astronomy, but also that they wanted to preserve it through world destructions that Adam had predicted. The fact that they were willing to expend such an effort suggests that there was something much more than just usual astronomical discoveries, such as the length of the year, that they were trying to preserve.
The fun is just beginning
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
This is not astrology we're talking about!
Greek Poets. The writings accepted as inspired by the ancient Greeks took the form of poetry rather than of canonized scripture. The oldest surviving accurate source which precisely describes the constellations that Eudoxus received is The Phaenomena, by the poet Aratus. He summarizes Eudoxus' description of what the globe looked like, including which figures were looking at others, and even what colors some of them were. It is the very work which Paul quoted on Mars Hill (Acts 17:28):
...We all have need of God. For we are also his offspring;
... For himself it was who set the signs in heaven, and marked out the constellations... opening paragraph of Phaenomena, by Aratus
We also have some knowledge of the constellations from other ancient people such as the Babylonians, Arabs, and Persians, but the Greeks apparently have the best preserved knowledge of just how to draw the figures. The extreme antiquity of the constellations means that the constellations predate Aratus by over 2000 years, about the same amount of time that the ancient Greece predates ours.
Much more to come
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
Don't be so smug...That is not where I am getting this from but I will say that if good old Glen is quoting from THE BOOK OF ENOCH then what does it matter. That information does not invalidate what is being developed here. I may choose to quote the Bible...will you then go to a web site that the Bible is on and call foul. I think you need to grow up a little and see if you can follow this reasoning. Now let us review some references to the constellations in a variety of sacred writings.
The Bible. Consider the following scripture and ask yourself just what it means.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
Without speech nor language their voice is heard.
Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. Psalms 19:1-4
If all we had were the first line, we might conclude that it simply means that a dark star-filled sky can be an awe-inspiring sight that reminds us of the vastness of God's work. But the other lines seem to be saying much more than that. The words "declare," "show," "uttereth speech," "voice," and "words," apparently mean that the heavens literally declare the glory of God, and in a way that has gone out to all the world. But how?
This article suggests that the scripture be taken literally: The heavens show the constellations, which declare God's glory by telling the story of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without speech or language their message has gone out through all the earth. The story has been misunderstood and sometimes the stars themselves have even been worshipped, but nearly every ancient nation believed that the constellations were inspired.
The Bible contains both direct and indirect references to the constellations. For example, the Lord dignifies the constellations by referring to several of them by name:
"Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?
or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?" Job 38:31-32
The Pleiades, Orion, Mazzaroth, and Arcturus all refer to constellations, which the Lord includes among his creations. As such, he could simply be saying that he created the stars, as in Job 9:9 and Amos 5:8, even though they also mention specific constellations. But other scriptures suggest that he had a hand in the formation of the figures themselves. For example, Job says,
By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent. Job 26:13
A comparison of this verse to the rest of this chapter shows that Job is using the familiar Hebrew writing form of parallelism, in which the second half of the sentence repeats what the first half said using different words. The first part says that the Lord's spirit has "garnished," or beautified, the heavens. Then he names a constellation, "the crooked serpent" in the second half, apparently as an example of the Lord's work. If so, it implies that it was the Lord's Spirit which inspired the constellations.