I thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of GOD verses Secularism / evolution verses creationism. Im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist. My intention is to make as strong of an argument as I can for the existence of a particular GOD, who I believe we all once Knew and may be privileged to know again. If you disagree without giving me a chance then what Ive claimed about many of you in my other posts will be valid.
From The Books of Jeu
"In any world as a Yeu becomes a Father in a new world, the Fathers then appoint new Yeus (Jehovahs) for new worlds who in turn will become Fathers. Each Yeu has created for its hosts ten thousand times ten thousand. The farther advanced one is, the faster one moves forward to them that have shall be given...We are passed on from hand to hand, from degree to degree!! Our example is Adam, who, having been established in Christ and God, next established his son Seth in the second order which was to follow Him on up...
I will teach you all of the ordinances necessary, that you might be purged by degrees and progress in the next life. These things make it possible for you to achieve other places (other topol), but they must be performed in this life. Unless one performs them here, he cannot become a 'Son of Light'. By very definition, the 'Sons of Light' are those that are perfect in the ordinances...these ordinances are very secret...'Sons of Light' in whatever age they lived, and they receive whatever they desire, they are those upon the right hand of the Father, for it is by their faithfulness in these things that they show they are worthy to return and inherit the kingdom. Without the ordinances, therefore, there is no foothold or foundation to anything in this life... If you want to go to the Father you must pass through the veil
At this sign the angels move the veil aside and you enter into the presence of the Father who gives you his name and seal ... The world is a system of veils or vestments each a room of the Temple. Man is organized on the same principle. There is a place from which all worlds take their origin and prototype a place of shadowless light and indescribable joy... and there is a veil between the worlds Above the veil are the heavens .The Firmament is equipped with veils and gates that are guarded far removed from the world in which men dwell."
"Enoch went to the Lord who taught him all about the creation and his works . He saw matter unorganized before the creation council in Heaven. He saw Satan aspire and get cast out to become the foundation of lower things, beyond which there is great darkness and nothing. And the Lord said 'And now Enoch all that I have explained to thee and all thou has seen on Earth and all thou hast written in thy books .It is my wisdom that I have organized and made all these things and it was by my word that it was carried out,
..... And every thing found in the world has been before and has passed
before him and has been organized before him ...AII the creations Of the World have existed in each generation before they came to this world .All the souls of the children of men have been before they came down to the world formed before him in Heaven in the very likeness that they have in this world ...For all souls are prepared to eternity before the formation of the world .
And the Angel said to Enoch sit down and write All of the spirits of men and those who have not yet been born yet, the places which have been prepared for them . All things were prepared since before the foundation of the world" 2 Enoch 9:
(first post on this subject)