To please my parents and the elders, I turned down a college scholarship to work at Watchtower facilities for 10 years. As NC mentioned, like a lot young Witnesses back in the 1980s, I went to a vocational high school, and I took a trade. When I left Watchtower Headquarters I worked in a trade and did well, but was unable to make maximum dollar until I started going to college. I was raised to think college was a waste of time but I quickly found out how far behind my contemparies I was and why. I did not know how to ANALYZE business problems and think CRITICALLY. I had a limited vocabulary and no BUSINESS PROCESS for getting tasks done.
I found out that I did not know as much as I thought I did. Only after going to college did discover how ignorant I was.
Now I have successful career in management and I am on track to being an executive with a major corporation.
A college education is absolutely necessary to make it in this world. Now I am fighting to make sure my son avoids the path I took and gets his college eduction before he is 38 years old!