@discreet slave - I guess my problem with the term cult is the same problem I have with term "apostate" or any other label that you can give a person or an organization. I have often been called an "uppity nigger from the North." It is label that has been used when people I work with cannot refute the logic of my arguments on engineering. I hate it when a person is discredited by label instead of by the argument. If I know something is hurtful to me or is flat out wrong I don't feel a need to label it, I just need to avoid it.
The JWs label anyone who disagrees with their doctrine an "apostate." This label prevents JWs from listening to opposing views even when it is obvious that they are wrong and the opposing view is correct. The whole child molestation tragedy is an example of this. As soon as you voiced disagreement you were categorized as having apostate leanings and this caused others to stop listening. This was something I could not stand and so I had to leave.
@Quendi - I agree that the JW leadership exercises great control over the rank and file. And I agree that to prosper in the JW world you have to let others do the thinking for you in every area of life. And while I am disappointed at the time lost to that way of life (30 years as a baptized Witness) and the negative impact it has had on my life (depression, suicidal thoughts and a suicide attempt), I feel that reason I stayed as I long as I did has more to do with ME than with THEM. My self-esteem was dependent on what my JW peers and family though of me. Until I was able to fall in love with myself and to love life itself my low self-esteem kept me imprisoned in that organization. Now that I am free, I feel the need to spend more time on myself, my values, my goals and my way of life. Living a truly happy life is what will keep me from going back. The JWs will never change. They will fizzle out and splinter out before that happens. But I can change, I have changed and I will continue to change...and this process is what I feel will benefit me the most in the long run.
Having said that Steve Hassan's book is on my list of books to read. However, the books I am reading now have more to do with ME and what I value than with THEM.
Do you feel me?