The elders are going down to the assembly halls to be prepared for the massive attendance during the annual meeting. That's all I was told about this special meeting this weekend. There's probably more he's not telling me. I also heard that some kingdom halls will be getting streaming video of the annual meeting next Saturday.
JoinedPosts by Acluetofindtheuser
Special Meeting?
by Bob_NC inwhat "special meeting" is going on this weekend?
or it may be several weekends?
not the annual meeting that everyone is pumped up about, but a "special meeting" that i heard an elder say he is attending this weekend.
Rumor: April 3, 2015 start of Great Tribulation?
by Londo111 inon another forum, somebody mentioned that there is a growing belief with those high up in watchtower hierarchy that the great tribulation will begin april 3, 2015. evidently, one has to check the skycharts for that date and compare with 33 ceand also compare with the history of jws for past 40, 80, 120 years.
dont ask me to verify the rumor...these things come and go.
im sure lots of people in hq believe all sorts of things.. .
Since everyone's throwing around prediction dates, I'll join in with clarity and Crazyguy.
Everything happens in October. I cast my vote for the 19th.
The true meaning of "Jehovah" and the "overlapping generation" REVEALED!
by slimboyfat inthere has been some renewed interest in the meaning of the name jehovah on the forum in recent weeks.
combined with the ongoing discussion about the new "overlapping generation" teaching, speculation among the friends and among the ex-friends has been reaching something of a frenzy.
so it's perhaps appropriate that a little more should be revealed now about the meaning behind some of the perplexing events that have been taking place.
That's a long tunnel.
Do they figure there's going to be some sort of future fallout above ground or is it just a way to shuttle VIP's to and from Washington?
A long time ago I heard about Dwight Eisenhower being sworn in on the NWT. I thought that was strange. A president converted to a JW. Maybe you're right on all these things. What do we need to do to blow their cover and get media attention?
The true meaning of "Jehovah" and the "overlapping generation" REVEALED!
by slimboyfat inthere has been some renewed interest in the meaning of the name jehovah on the forum in recent weeks.
combined with the ongoing discussion about the new "overlapping generation" teaching, speculation among the friends and among the ex-friends has been reaching something of a frenzy.
so it's perhaps appropriate that a little more should be revealed now about the meaning behind some of the perplexing events that have been taking place.
That's an interesting conspiracy. The tunnel to Washington convinced me it was all a farce.
If they join the UN again will they be forced to wander another 40 years up to the year 2074?
Isaac Newton's end of world date happens to be 2060. To be honest, I think something interesting will happen in the fall of next year.
Did Stephen believe he would have to wait 2000 years for a resurrection?
by Socrateswannabe inin acts 7:59, the jews were casting stones at stephen and his last words were, "lord jesus, receive my spirit.".
the wts has contended that all of the ancients who died after jesus were in a sleep-like condition, awaiting a resurrection that eventually happened in 1918-1919 (depending upon which wt reference you are looking at).
and in fact, v. 60 says stephen "fell asleep in death".
I think Stephen believed his spirit would leave him when he died. Jesus also said the same thing when he was about to die. Some scriptures imply that spirit animates the body and when you die that spirit leaves you and goes back to God from where it came. It appears to be the breath of life. When you stop breathing you will die in minutes unless you are resuscitated. The two were yielding up their life giving air which belongs to God.
These are the scriptures that come to mind:
Job 27:3 "The spirit of God is in my nostrils."
Psalms 104:29 "If you take away their spirit, they expire and back to dust they go."
Psalms 146:4 "His spirit goes out he goes back to his ground, in that day his thoughts perish."
Ecclesiastes 12:7 "Then the dust returns to the earth just as it happened to be and the spirit itself returns to the true God who gave it."
Luke 8:55 "And her spirit returned and she rose instantly."
Just exchange the word spirit with oxygen or the ability to breath.
So, Was It Just "Luck" Or Did "Jehovah" Intervene At Times For You?
by minimus ini know witnesses believe that miracles were done away with other "gifts" after the apostles died but every so often they suggest god produced a miracle.. did you believe that jehovah god saved you out of a bad situation?
did you accept that god's angel help you out?.
I could probably count 3 times in my life but only after I started thinking for myself. I thought it strange that a two congregation memorial observance could be thwarted by a forgetful school janitor, without any divine intervention.
For me, one instance was a million to 1 shot. The second and the third could have been an amazing coincidence.
This Year Will Bring The End (T.F.D.S.) Estephan
by Este ini witnessed the cleansing of the heavens in the year 2004, like the birth pains of a women, or nine years........ an increase of lawlessness, the economic downfall, the trials and tribulations of the faithful and discreet are being fulfilled as we speak.......prepare for the return of jesus christ........and every eye shall see him........ the slave of jah and of christ....... estephan.
"Those seeking truth shall find it directly from above through his faithful slave....all that seek shall be written in the book of life. This person is worthy of everlasting life..." - Este
(I don't know the coding for quoting yet.)
I'm touched by that statement. I asked the question to see if you were one of the JW FDS. I didn't know your story but everyone here certainly does. Your second statement about the abomination standing where is ought not tells me you're from mainstream christianity. That answer is very common and is expected by most. Are you sure that is your final answer?
This is a game of Chess and the opponent already knows the common move. Will he play that move in the end? I doubt it. Matthew and Mark both said, "Reader attend!" or "he reading let him think" in their account about the coming abomination and this implies a unique move. say we all.
This Year Will Bring The End (T.F.D.S.) Estephan
by Este ini witnessed the cleansing of the heavens in the year 2004, like the birth pains of a women, or nine years........ an increase of lawlessness, the economic downfall, the trials and tribulations of the faithful and discreet are being fulfilled as we speak.......prepare for the return of jesus christ........and every eye shall see him........ the slave of jah and of christ....... estephan.
What's the abomination that causes desolation, standing where it ought not?
2014 Event
by enigma1863 ini know its a year away but i wanted to inquire about the hundred year anniversary of 1914. it would be amazing to have a world wide event reguarding all exjws.
i am nowhere near capable of putting this together but i'd like to propose the largest assembly of exjws ever on october 1st 2014. can it be done?
am i the first to bring this up?
Meet together October 19, 2014.
That's the date comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) is supposed to hit Mars, or just be a near miss. The comet's nucleus is estimated to be somewhere between 5 to 30 miles (8 to 50km) in diameter. It's being compared to earth's dinosaur killer asteroid/comet.
Everyone will be glued to the TV that day so you'll get coverage between the news reporting of Mars and its potential armageddon or not.
Service Dept VS Writing Dept
by Socrateswannabe ini have seen it alluded to in various posts that there is a major rift between the service and writing departments at the world hq.
for those of you in the know, please explain what is going on, who the players are, what turf are they battling over, who is winning, and the consequences of all of this.
i am intrigued but i know nothing about it.
The last leader in the Org with a wild imagination would be the person who started the faith. That would be Russell.