Comparing the foreword of “Angels and Women (1924)” to the Appendix of “Seola (1878)”, mainly the sections invoking this conspiracy.
Angels and Women – foreword
“The reviser of this book is of the opinion that the original manuscript was dictated to the woman who wrote it by one of the fallen angels who desired to return to divine favor.”
Seola – appendix
“Seola is a fantasy, revealed to the writer while listening to the performance of an extraordinary musical composition. It was sudden and unforeseen as the landscape which sometimes appears to a benighted traveler, for one instant only, illumined by the lightning’s flash.
It does not therefore pretend to be either history or theology, but yet the theory upon which the story is founded is in strict accordance with the sacred writings of the Hebrews and traditions of other ancient nations. It may be briefly stated.
In the early ages of the world angelic beings became incarnate, assumed the likeness of men, left the service of God, visited the earth, mingled in its affairs, formed the most intimate connection with women and became the fathers of a progeny physically magnificent and spiritually corrupt. These powerful and depraved beings subverted the government of the earth and filled it with intolerable crimes. The Almighty put an end to this unnatural condition by sending a great deluge to destroy the kingdom of the Devas with their giant offspring and by imprisoning them in chains and darkness the angels who had been guilty of the offence, though certain evil spirits are still permitted to roam the earth.
This theory, set forth in a work entitled “From Dawn to Sunrise,” having been the subject of much comment, it may be proper to recapitulate the evidence of its truth in this place.”
The reviser of Angels and Women was in error about it being an automatic writing. The appendix section of Seola clearly states that this was the work of the imagination, with a great deal of research as its source. Maybe if they left out the foreword section of Angels and Women there wouldn’t be this kind of accusation. The society today should just apologize about the foreword and mention it again in the Awake! Magazine and see what the publishers think. That would be a doozy. In my opinion the story is great but it’s not for everyone.