Stagnation of prophetic interpretation will be their undoing.
The current operation of is not attracting new members to the fold. Many
of the young ones are leaving in droves. The number of witnesses will dwindle
down and they eventually will become a small sect of Christendom.
I believe they have offended God somewhere along the way.
They are not fulfilling the prophecy of Joel 2:28-29. This is where God says he
will pour out his spirit on every sort of flesh and cause people to prophesy, dream
and have visions. A new religion is going to form in the coming decades and I will
have my portion to give.
I am not a revolutionary but when I find a worthy fellowship
I will share my realizations to that Collective. My distinction shall be added
to their likeness. Till then, I shall wait for the Cube to come and assimilate me.
Did you know? The most holy chamber of the temple is cube shaped.
Who wants to start a new movement?
WT currently have little new information to
offer, unlike when F Franz was their 'oracle'. WT find themselves presenting
the same, over and over again so they may as well present once and use that
info for a longer time period, all while claiming 'simplification', growth and
speeding up of the warning work.”
They have already ran out of things to say