(btw I'm not an optimist either;P)
All I can add is personal observations and comments. I went to the KH last night because I didn't want to fight with my husband about it. Though I made it clear I didn not want to be there, all it did was re-enforce to him that I still "had faith in the truth." It didn't matter how much I protested- my coming was enough.
During the meeting, a local needs part was given on "is the truth becoming burdensome." The elder giving it said that it becomes burdensome if there is too much else in your life. That because the fds "is appointed by Jehovah and Jesus is the head of them, all of our meetings and schedule is approved and expected from Jehovah"
The rest of the meeting was "pioneer, pioneer, pioneer." It just happens to be the new CO's visit, and all he preached about was more service.
There was the "we are separate from the world" quotes mostly given by a crooked elder my husband works for (that's not hypocritical is it??) and the usual things covered at the meetings.
During the meeting I felt evil and decietful, after it I felt confused and doubtful. All that was going through my head were what if's. And they haven't stopped since. I told my husband point blank, I did not want to be a witness. I told him I have doubts that have destroyed my faith. I told him I want to be selfish, and I don't want to live for Jehovah. I told him nowhere in the bible did I see 5 meetings a week as a must. I told him I didn't want to go out in service, and I certainly didn't want to pioneer. I told him that I didn't see how a god that expected willing devotion would be please that I went so begrudgingly. I told him I when I prayed, I felt like I was praying to the wall. I told him I didn't WANT to live forever anyway.
You know what I got in response?? That I was imperfect, and that my depression causes me to say these things. That since I've been so negative my whole life, of course I was going to feel this way. That Jehovah was happy with me because I attended even though I didn't want to. That I didn't want to live forever in THIS system. That our marriage will get stronger if we are just regular in attendance. That I will have friends if we just start getting to more meetings and out in service. That he loved me, and was thankful I came.
Now, ianao, our situations aren't the same. But all i know is that after going last night, i am even more lost than before. The what if's and the " u are falling into satan's trap" got louder.
Going only prolongs the agony, so if u don't want to go to the KH- DON'T.