Well done brother you are imitating Jesus when he said "Come to me, all YOU who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh YOU. Take my yoke upon YOU and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment for YOUR souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.”(Matthew 11:28-30)
JoinedPosts by discreetslave
Growing up a Jehovah's Witness - New Video
by jwfacts ini have put together a video - growing up a jehovah's witness 1960 -2010. it aims to show the things a witnesses would be taught as they age over those decades.
it is 15 minutes long.
this is my first attempt at a video and it took a while to work out how to use final cut, so please feel free to make suggestions if anything should be changed.
New Video
by God_Delusion inhowdy guy's & gal's,.
i've just launched the first www.jehovahswitnessblog.com video on youtube.. let me know what you think of it.
Angels and Women reccomended by Sam Herd. (VIDEO)
by Wasanelder Once injust put up a new video using the soundbite of sam herd expounding on the quality of the book angels and women.
i think it turned out fairly well.
feedback appreciated.. .
What is the most offensive/idiotic piece of WT literature you've read from the past 20 years (approximately)?
by Chemical Emotions ini think that some of the dumbest were ones that pertained to science- not all of them, but a few, particularly the ones about evolution.
the most offensive (and also dumbest) were the ones about women, and the ones about rape.
those were horrible.
The now fractions are okay change. I never questioned not taking blood until they said fractions are fine. It didn't make sense. Also the use of the cell saver machine portrayed in the No blood video. I thought the vacuum is sucking up blood that has been let out, how can this be acceptable?
w5/15/90 went on about prayer being a restricted privilege
w11/15/09 said in para. 19 "Some marriage mates might discreetly hold hands, but if they embraced each other during public prayer, those who got a glimpse of such conduct might be stumbled. They might think or get the impression that the couple was focusing on their romantic relationship instead of reverence for Jehovah. Out of deep respect for him, let us therefore “do all things for God’s glory” and avoid conduct that could distract, shock, or stumble anyone" (When I read this I said this is so stupid. The picture of what prayer should look like during the meeting was so sterile. I felt bad for the older single sisters who would hold each others hand. These women are lonely and it's comforting to hold someone during prayer now they had this ripped from them.)
w8/15/2011 The article "A History Making Meeting"
Brother Lett noted a number of
exciting developments in the visible part of
God’s organization in recent years.
For instance, a number of branches are being
merged and consolidated, which will allow
many who were formerly serving in
Bethel homes in those countries to focus on
the preaching work. Brother Lett urged the
audience to keep praying that the Governing
Body, as the representative of the slave
class, continue to be not only faithful but
also wise, or discreet.What is so exciting about losing your job?
same magazine Question from readers
Memorial partakers. This is the number
of baptized individuals who partake of the
emblems at the Memorial worldwide. Does
this total represent the number of anointed
ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number
of factors—including past religious beliefs or
even mental or emotional imbalance—might
cause some to assume mistakenly that they
have the heavenly calling. We thus have no
way of knowing the exact number of anointed
ones on earth; nor do we need to know.
The Governing Body does not keep a list of all
partakers, for it does not maintain a global
network of anointed ones.I thought to myself how does this help people not judge partakers. How can past religious beliefs be such a problem when we teach people not to consider the heavenly hope. Before I studied with JW's I never really believed I was going to heaven. My study conductor encouraged me to do personal bible reading. After reading in the Christian scriptures I told her I felt I may have the heavenly hope. She proceeded to bring me articles on why that wasn't possible. So I put the idea out of my head.
As far as having no way of knowing I thought but our publisher's record card has a checkbox. They could easily have all the elders send in a count based on that.
Do you believe in an annointed class?
by irondork inregarless of their identity - in fact, if they are really "discreet" their identity should probably remain unknown - do you believe the bible speaks of a spirit annointed class of folks, a limited number of humans that have been called to heaven to serve with jesus?.
Punk of nice I'll grant you that I had to stay in psychiatric care for a few days. My psychiatrist said he doesn't think there is anything wrong with me mentally. He agrees with me when I say I think my problem with depression was a combination of childhood trauma and being a in a religion that was forcing me to conform. My trying to be like everyone else drove me crazy.
I have the heavenly hope that I know for sure without a doubt. I exercise faith and was baptized in the name of the Father, Son & the Spirit. My having the heavenly hope or being anointed and understanding the NT is what caused me to question WBTS and the manner in which they are governing JW's.
Other than Michael Jackson, Prince and the Williams sisters, What other entertainmenter and sports figures are JW?
by lehigh01 ini know of a few others.
Sherri Shephard the comedianne & co host of the View was raised. Her mother is active.
She says she still holds to many principles but was glad to have voted for the first time in 2008.
We should ask for her help with Barbara Walters & ABC NEWS
Do you believe in an annointed class?
by irondork inregarless of their identity - in fact, if they are really "discreet" their identity should probably remain unknown - do you believe the bible speaks of a spirit annointed class of folks, a limited number of humans that have been called to heaven to serve with jesus?.
Before I was a JW I was catholic. I had always believed the world should be a perfect paradise where people lived forever. I believed in God & that Jesus died for my sins & they lived in heaven. I didn't doubt people went to heaven I just didn't see myself there I wanted to live on earth with the animals.
Then I met JW's and their teachings matched my ideas this appealed to me. I always had issue with the destruction part & the countless lives to be lost.
I now believe there is a heavenly & earthly group. Heaven is for all Christians who God deems worthy of the kingdom. Cristians who made known the anti-christ are foremost reformers like Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Ray Franz, etc....
The earth will consist of everyone else whose heart God has read and deemed worthy of life regardless of beliefs. By means of your seed all nations will bless themselves.
Armageddon is for those whose traits manifest themselves as Satan's seed This is judged by God alone. This will consist of all who are responsible for horrible atrocities and God knows they are unrepentant. The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is the manisfestation of the disgusting thing standing in a holy place.
These are my current beliefs after the JW mindset they may or may not change
Becoming of the anointed & seeing the light
by discreetslave ini was recently born again and thus am anointed because of this i have come to realize that though there are sincere people who are jw, some teachings are fine but the wt organization is a fraud.
here is my story sorry if it's a bit long but i need to tell it.. 16 years ago today i was baptized as one of jw's.
i was 17 years old the only one in my family.
Hi Billy yes it was Chitrikar. What's the story?
Godrulz bless your heart...
Preventing a minor child from being baptized if you are their parent
by RayPublisher inthere may be no way legally for me to stop this, but it is a worry since i "woke up" to the truth about the truth a couple years ago.. now my young kids (9 and 11) are heading in that direction at the urging of their mother.
i am still inside and trying to do a fade (for family/friend reasons) but sometimes i wonder if leaving would be smarter in the long run for them.
any thoughts or strategies are welcome.. .
Have your children watch this video
Preventing a minor child from being baptized if you are their parent
by RayPublisher inthere may be no way legally for me to stop this, but it is a worry since i "woke up" to the truth about the truth a couple years ago.. now my young kids (9 and 11) are heading in that direction at the urging of their mother.
i am still inside and trying to do a fade (for family/friend reasons) but sometimes i wonder if leaving would be smarter in the long run for them.
any thoughts or strategies are welcome.. .
Here is a topic outline I am using with young ones the article usually scares them into waiting I give them a copy of this to remind them wait until you are sure you can live up to this. Dedication & baptism is serious and no one can make that decision for you.
-MATT 28:19,20 Here is Jesus command regarding baptism
19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”
-What is Baptism? Reasoning Book pg 54
Definition: The word “baptize” comes from the Greek ba?pti′zein, meaning “to dip, to plunge.” (A Greek-English Lexicon, by Liddell and Scott) Christian water baptism is an outward symbol that the one being baptized has made a complete, unreserved, and unconditional dedication through Jesus Christ to do the will of Jehovah God.Since Baptism as an outward symbol of one having made a complete, unreserved , and unconditional dedication to thru Jesus to Jehovah it is a very serious matter.
-In Matthew 28:19 it says one is taught to observe all the things Jesus commanded, Luke 9:23 is Jesus command regarding dedication.
LUKE 9:23.“If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and follow me continually.”
What does disown himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and follow me continually.” mean?
The Watchtower June 1, 93 mentions
“If Anyone Wants to Come After Me”
6 What does it mean to disown oneself? It means that a person has to deny himself absolutely, a kind of death to self. The basic meaning of the Greek word translated “disown” is “to say no”; it means “to deny utterly.” Therefore, if you accept the challenge of the Christian life, you willingly surrender your own ambitions, comfort, desires, happiness, pleasure. In essence, you give your whole life and everything that it involves to Jehovah God for all time. To disown oneself means more than denying oneself certain pleasures now and then. Rather, it means that a person must relinquish ownership of himself to Jehovah. (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20) A person who has disowned himself lives to please, not self, but God. (Romans 14:8; 15:3) It means that every moment of his life, he says no to selfish desires and yes to Jehovah.
7 To pick up your torture stake, therefore, has serious implications. Carrying a stake is a burden and a symbol of death. The Christian is willing to suffer if need be, or be shamed or tortured or even put to death because of being a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus said: “Whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:38) Not all who suffer are carrying the torture stake. The wicked have many “pains” but no torture stake. (Psalm 32:10) However, the Christian’s life is a life of carrying the torture stake of sacrificial service to Jehovah.8 The last condition Jesus mentioned is that we continually follow him. Jesus requires not only that we accept and believe in what he taught but also that, for our entire life, we continually follow the pattern he set. And what are some of the dominant features seen in his pattern of life? When he gave his followers their final commission, he said: “Go therefore and make disciples . . . , teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19, 20) Jesus preached and taught the good news of the Kingdom. So did his immediate disciples and, indeed, the entire early Christian congregation. This zealous activity in addition to their being no part of the world brought upon them the hatred and opposition of the world, which resulted in their torture stake being even heavier to carry.—John 15:19, 20; Acts 8:4.
-Dedication comes before baptism it must. No one can make you dedicate yourself to anything. The person must be ready & willing but most important understand why they are dedicating themselves. Dedication is like a marriage arrangement it must not be a decision made hastily.
1 Cor 7:36 emphasizes to be "...past the bloom of youth" in regards to marriage, since marriage is likened to ones dedication to Jehovah thru Jesus there is no shame in waiting.
Galatians 6:4,5 says "But let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person. 5 For each one will carry his own load."
Hope this helps