Dear itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat
My wife and I just left WT and had similar feelings. We each were with JW Org for about 15 years and had left our homeland to Pioneer. So you can imagine how “isolated” we are from this real world. Perhaps, give me a listening ear as I describe my experience how we partially overcome this feelings of loneliness.
1) Start dating with your wife again.
Sounds strange? Well, It was recommended by the infamous “Family Book” isn’t it? Yes, except the dating there involves doing the magazine distributing work. But for us, we started the courtship we missed as JWs. Literally. We assign tasks to our children – vacuum the floor, mop it, hang the laundry, wash the dishes, then, …. We disappear .
We’ll hold hands when we walk the mall. We’ll “flirt” when we’re being secretly “observed” by the waiters and waitresses, … And of course, the most well spent time was and still is reading and expounding the Bible together. The book of Job took on new meanings to us, Romans becomes something so rich in meaning – That we are REALLY sinners and the ONLY solution is faith in Jesus (read Preface to Romans by Martin Luther at
We’ll go for lunch date, another day tea date, another day night date. And of course, we visit the Christian site as well as its Forum as a couple. (Our reading of the Song of Solomon took on new meanings, when the Shepherd Boy is not around)
To us, this is the first step to clean up our loneliness.
2) Find a Church
This is perhaps one of the most difficult things to do. WT has deeply ingrained into us how diabolical the Churches are. But now, with logic, if WT is the Satanic one, then the Church is not. But how about the Cross? The Trinity? The Hell Fire? …
For us, I take the lead to do researches. Always remember: WT has spread lies regarding everyone on earth. So to overcome the negative feelings, (A) Proof that what was said by WT is false and (B) Listen to the “accused” for their side of the story.
I easily accomplished (A) by reading articles from many sources. Just Google the topic and the answers are there. But be prepared. This “Personal Study” session is going to spend you more time than preparing for KH meetings. But I can assure you. It’s worth it. That’s how I come to understand the Cross is just a symbol representing the PRESENCE of Christ in the Church, much like the Ark of Covenant representing the PRESENCE of God with Israel. No one worship the Ark. Neither do anyone in the Church (I can speak for my Church) worship the Cross.
Of course, you can ask for the explanation of the Trinity, Hell, etc from the Pastors. But be prepared the answer may not be satisfying because of WT influence. But if you like to, raise threads for these questions. I’m sure many of us here can contribute to better understanding of the scriptures than WT.
Also, be open to the Pastors about who YOU were. We were pleasantly surprised that the few pastors we approached, showed much kindness, understanding and empathy, though they regretted they had no experience dealing with ex-JWs. (As I mentioned before, we were “serving” in a territory where “the need is great”. 80% of the householders here have not heard of JW nor had any WT articles in their homes before.)
3) Enroll your kids (do you have kids?) to Church activities
For us, after “investigating” a few Churches for about a month, we brought in our “army” (yes, I have 4 kids plus 1 coming. Thanks to www.TheMarriageBed.Com). We enrolled them into “Kids Kingdom” (surprised by the name of the Sunday School?) There, they make new friends, learn to sing praises, and study the Bible. Yes, study the Bible, contrary to what WT accuses Churchgoers, that they do not read the Bible.
Note: For starters, please choose an Evangelical Church and avoid the Pentecostals and Charismatic. No ill intention for our Brothers there. But Evangelical is more easily acceptable by ex-JWs. (You may Google Methodist, Baptist, Anglican, and perhaps Presbyterians to know more about them).
4) Grab opportunities for family outings.
For us, whenever there is an opportunity, we’ll bring the family out, be it the waterfall nearby, or the beach 200 kilometers away. Driving without the music on is a great time for bonding. It’s OK to miss a Church Service so that you can have a long weekend together. The Pastors will not conduct a “Shepherding Visit” for it.
Well, these points worked well for us and we’re making good friends with our fellow Church believers. Few retirees and housewives made efforts to come together just to chat and have a meal together. None of them was sent by the Pastor to “spy” on us. But everyone come just to … yes, be friends! That’s all.
This is how we cope with loneliness. May you find ways that works for you and your family.