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Posts by dm6
My Introduction
by diyakhanna inhey friends this is diya and i'm new on jehovahs-witness, i'm here to discuss and share my experiences on mobile dating....
I am considering suicide...
by Nebeska Nada inunder the wheels of a train.... .
i feel really bad.... i don't want to be in the cult anymore.... .
i was thinking about that whole meeting today.... .
Hey Nebaska.
My name is Darren.
I know how you feel since i can relate to your emotion.
I have been in intensive care a few times a couple of years back when i was in your situaition. this is actually nothing to do with the watchtower.
I had personal reasons, and it drove me to that. All i will say is, i know its really tough at the time of feeling like that and hard to cope with, but when its over you carry on your life with a smile and so much more to do.
I honestly thought my life was over and i saw it through a couple of times(suicide) but to no avail.
Now i am through that, i am so glad i didn't, its the same with anything in life, once your through whatever trials your going through, they are nothing but memories.
i wish you all the strength you can find to not go through with it, because trust me, when your out of this frame of mind, you will look back on this one day and be so happy that you never did - and i know its hard to think like this right now... i couldnt see it myself either..just trust me.
All the best...
lol point taken william.
/end thread.
wasanelderOnce - LOL i think someone is a little pissed off with life? chill bro chill. Stop ruining thee forums with your miserable self!
I thought it was interesting! to say the least!
Didnt think people (or just you) would get so enraged over it ............. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like this guy
by yourmomma ini find him entertaining, but also there is alot to relate to.
yes entertaining ! Also mad! But still wuite funny. And hes totally bang on the moeny with his illustrations...AHEM...i mean stories.
dam i pressed enter too quickly. Anyway here is the video! -
I hate JW jargon!!! (Alternatives please!)
by VampireDCLXV inall of us who have any ties to the jws know that they have their own vernacular, their own slang.
sure, there are formal titles that we can't really get away from: pioneer, ministerial servant, elder, ______ overseer, governing body, the (watchtower) society, etc.
but there are plenty of other bits of parlance they use that i can do without.... for example:.
sorry to not post this in the correct place but i have looked everywhere for the edit profile etc, but can someone please tell me how to change my picture? i dont really like the blue monster too much.....
I hate JW jargon!!! (Alternatives please!)
by VampireDCLXV inall of us who have any ties to the jws know that they have their own vernacular, their own slang.
sure, there are formal titles that we can't really get away from: pioneer, ministerial servant, elder, ______ overseer, governing body, the (watchtower) society, etc.
but there are plenty of other bits of parlance they use that i can do without.... for example:.
may i also point out some other very annoying "sayings" :
system of things - age
paradise eart
slave (my personal hate)
"Friend" me!
by Mad Sweeney inif we "know" each other here and we're not yet fb friends, please feel free to "friend" me.
i think i'm the only mad sweeney on there.. if/when you send the friend request, let me know who you are here on jwn, because i don't generally accept requests from people i don't know from online.. thanks!.
friend me too if you want!