Topics Started by dm6
Stephen hawkings "Did God creat the universe?"
by dm6 infound this to be a very interesting watch.. watch with an open mind if you are still religious in anyway.. .
List your movies thread
by dm6 innice to meet you!!.
i am working as a chef and i work the most ridiculous hours, so i spend a lot of free time namely after work when i go to bed, watching movies.. i have seen so many, but now i have run out of memories of movies and have seen all as far back as i can remember.. can people here name a few very awesome movies, and im not talking "oh thats nice" type of movies.
something worth the time.. i dont mind the genre, just nothing like romance, although i did like titanic having said that.. thankyou please!.
Amanda Knox & Raffaele Sollecito have been FREED
by dm6 ini'm not sure how many of you are interested in this or how many of you have been following it, but i have been right from when i first heard about it a few years ago.. they were each sentenced 25 years and 26 years for the murder of british student meredith mercher, but after a dramatic appeal, today, they have had their sentences overturned and have been given an immediate release, because the evidence suggesting that they were guilty was not strong enough to support that verdict.. i always thought them both to be innocent, and this is true justice for the poor girl and guy after being locked up for 4 years for somehting they did not commit, however, it does still leave an unsolved riddle.... who killed meredith mercher if not these two?.
the strange thing is, amanda knox apparently originally claimed she heard screams from meredith and hid in a different room in the house whilst it happened, but that stroy had changed to "i was never there" which is what i think too, given the facts..
what are your thoughts?.
Rugby World Cup 2011
by dm6 in21 days to go!.
whos looking forward to it?.
any kiwis here on this board?.
A look at some of the people in the world, who claim to be Jesus and/or God.
by dm6 inafter reading a post from another one of these crazy people who claim to be god, or at least to communicate with god for the benefit of others i thought i would make a thread about some of these crazy people in this crazy old world we live in.
you can find that post i am referring to here.. here are a few videos of some of the craziest things i have ever seen to do with cults and cult leaders.. try to watch all of the first video and see the craziness in this guys eyes.
he doesnt even blink.
I think this may stir up something with the JWs???
by dm6 injust read it all.. i think the jdubs will take things into their own hands as they do everything else and flat out refuse to do this.. your thoughts???.
click me.
Post your jokes here
by dm6 inhopefully this will get a good response because i love jokes, especially ones about the wt or jw's!.
ill start it off.. .
how do we know there are no female angels in heaven?.
What do you get if you cross an Athiest with a Jehovahs Witness?
by dm6 ini saw this joke on facebook ex jw page, so i take no credit whatsoever for it, i just found it so funny i thought you guys could share a laugh too.. have fun....... lol.
List your favorite websites!
by dm6 ini apologize in advance if im in breach of any rules about posting links, because i know some forums online dont like people to spam websites, but hey im no spam bot!.
i thought it would be a good idea to list all your favorite websites so everyone can check them out when they have them bored moments of staring at a facebook screen, or blank home google page bored, not knowing what to do.. here are a few of my favorites!
check them out, so funny!
i think i might return to the WTS
by dm6 inman im so drained right now and tired i cant say a whole lot.. but you know, i was thinking about going back to them and just to see a bit more about it all.. i dont know to be very honest with you if its thr right thing to do or not on a personal level.. .
i guess i need to mull things over.. .
any suggestions from previous jw's would be awesome for me.