any more update there rox? how u feeling? any more contact? you have a lot of supporters here, stick around
Posts by dm6
Stupid suggestion from Study Conductor
by roxanesophia inhi everyone, first i just want to say if it wasn't this forum, i'd be baptized!
i haven't managed to successfully end my studies with a zealous jw.
she uses everything against me to brainwash me into believing i need the org.
by mosesimon ini saw god {jehovah},after& like moses,i saw jesus,jesus & god coming soon visit my website & know how can i saw god and jesus, god's message,miracles, about me, i am the eye witness how god is.
i am from chennai, india.keep in touch..know god's message.
....moses simon.g.
omg this is the funniest shit i have read in a long time!!!! check out this dudes miracles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by mosesimon ini saw god {jehovah},after& like moses,i saw jesus,jesus & god coming soon visit my website & know how can i saw god and jesus, god's message,miracles, about me, i am the eye witness how god is.
i am from chennai, india.keep in touch..know god's message.
....moses simon.g.
nuff said
Stupid suggestion from Study Conductor
by roxanesophia inhi everyone, first i just want to say if it wasn't this forum, i'd be baptized!
i haven't managed to successfully end my studies with a zealous jw.
she uses everything against me to brainwash me into believing i need the org.
roxanesophia - Conratulations! you just popped your cherry :)
Now i know its an embarrasement because i have been there, but your true friends and family will forgive you and not judge you.
Your out of it now, i may suggest breaking off contact completely now as everytime you speak to her it will only be preaching on her part, plus she will put you on massive guilt trips citing scriptures about how you came to God but turned your back on him. Foolish earthling etc etc etc just ignore her and live a happy life :)
Well Done to you ;-)
Stupid suggestion from Study Conductor
by roxanesophia inhi everyone, first i just want to say if it wasn't this forum, i'd be baptized!
i haven't managed to successfully end my studies with a zealous jw.
she uses everything against me to brainwash me into believing i need the org.
i know how you feel there. I was in the same situation, and i ssoon realized months later, the reason i found it hard to say NO was because I in fact, was brainwashed already, and although i did in the end go with my gut feeling and leave it all behind, (i was also just a study for just under a year) i took all my books and everything i owned to do with the watchtower etc, personal bible, etc etc etc and sat down with my bible teacher and told him i thankyou for the time you have given me, but i do not beileve any of this and i have to stop kidding myself, sorry for you to hear it this way.
Be blunt, but nice about it, because after all, she beileves in her mind she is helping you and she is waaaaaaaay too far gone into seeing through the BS becuase of indoctrination.
Currently, you are being indoctrinated.
Its not a bible study, and as someone else here has rightly pointed out, they get you to say what they beileve and tell you yes, thas the right answer. So whatever your answer was before, what YOU had personally thought, was WRONG.
Its an indoctrination process, but they dont even realize they are doing it to you, they really do beileve they are saving your life!
Do yourself a favor and get yourself the HELL outta there before you start having weird dillusions about anything you read online s the devil pulling you away from god.
Indoctrination is a nasty thing and can take people YEARS to recover from. luckily, i was only in it for about 10 or 11 months, most people on this board have been born in, so how they came out of the BS i have much repect for, they must have been going through some seriously disturbing pychological changes.
Again i will tell you friend, RUN AWAY. DONT BE FOOLED. BE SMART.
When you start throwing out objections and seriouos questions in line with the bible and they try to prove to you otherwise, yet you do not entertain their answer and still remain confused, and scripture after scripture you thrrow out there and you just remain in this dead set way about you, as if no matter what she says your not buying into it. Thats what i did. In fact when i turned up with my sheet of paper with loads of scriptures on (courtesy of JWN Users ) and started to throw out all these questions they couldnt answer, my bible teacher actually says to me "i jhave to say it comes accross as if you are opposing the faith" from which i replied no no, i just want to know the truth!!!! and all my research has led me to these!!!
Then they start to lay off you and not really pay much attention. Give it a go.
Start off with this scripture, see what she says, if you want any more ill be HAPPY to oblige.
2nd JOHN 1:7
Watch out shes not hiding in our closet though ready to pounce on you with literature! omGAWSH!!!
How are Bible Studies Conducted?
by Band on the Run ini never found a victim and then i was out.
may i ask you how it felt to have the umbrage to go to someone's house, bring a bible, and witness lit, and teach another person about the bible.
the witness lit was always so dorky.
what white dove said.
kes 152 -
what is sin?
Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Well the "wrong" is sin.
Start there, and you will have an understanding.
Hope this helps.
For those of you who are disfellowshipped!
by TimothyT inhow do you respond when you walk past a jw or bump into a close jw friend who broke of contact with you?.
i remember when one brother was disfellowshipped, he himself honoured the arrangement and walked past the brothers with his eyes fixed to the floor.. im going to be disfellowshipped in 8 days, so i just thought id ask you all.. personaly, im going to be kind and cheery as i always tried to be with people.. timmy xxx.
I like this one. Put the burden of shunning on them. And it IS a burdon.
Nice on Jason, i like this line. Well said.
Why do Jehovahs Witnesses send their mentally ill door to door?
by life is to short inthis has been a question i have asked over and over even when i was a very devout jw.
please do not get me wrong in thinking that i am trying to be mean or cruel or unkind to those who have mental illness, that is not in the least where i am going with this.
what i mean is i think it is cruel to send them door to door, it puts way to much stress on them and it looks bad for the name jehovah.. it seemed that in every hall i have ever been in there were some people who were extremely mentally ill. there have always been some in every hall who were schizophrenics or suffered major depression, or other forms of mental illness.
Wow that is a massive post i am sorry i didnt get through it all, but i read the first paragraph, and yes, your right there, there are mentally ill people in a lot of congregations. We had one brother called Billy in my last Congregation in England and he is a really lovely guy, very caring and honest, but he was very eccentric and suffered with severe bipolar disorder.
He would never let you get a word in when you spoke to him he would practically shout when you spoke to him, and the platform talks he gave were really gripping to listen to, ones you looked forward to in fact, because they were just not your normal talk. they were totally insane. i loved em.
Great guy billy.
For those of you who are disfellowshipped!
by TimothyT inhow do you respond when you walk past a jw or bump into a close jw friend who broke of contact with you?.
i remember when one brother was disfellowshipped, he himself honoured the arrangement and walked past the brothers with his eyes fixed to the floor.. im going to be disfellowshipped in 8 days, so i just thought id ask you all.. personaly, im going to be kind and cheery as i always tried to be with people.. timmy xxx.
Well Done Timmy for standing up to the evil controlling Botchedtower, and being yourself.
Theres no wrong in being yourself, and for them to disfellow and shun you and others, just for being who you are as a person is absolutely disgusting.
The Crotchtower and their evil Kingdumb hells and their controlling ways telling you how you should be can finally go screw themselves! Being disfellowed will be the best thing that ever happened to you!
Sorry i cant give any advice on your topic, since i was a mere "indoctrination student" (that is, until i came to my senses)
But had to say the above!