Now that I think about it, someone here posted a list of property which the Society owns, nationwide. Maybe, someone could find it for you.
the watchtower bible tract society of florida,inc.
is a certified citrus fruit shipper for florida orange growers.. now this is not illegal at all but does the average rank and file know this, they were inc. in 1986 i was active at that time, there was never any mention of this activity to my knowledge.. this is what gets in the world can the wtbts do things like this and nobody ever finds out about it through the society.. please clue me in!!
Now that I think about it, someone here posted a list of property which the Society owns, nationwide. Maybe, someone could find it for you.
the watchtower bible tract society of florida,inc.
is a certified citrus fruit shipper for florida orange growers.. now this is not illegal at all but does the average rank and file know this, they were inc. in 1986 i was active at that time, there was never any mention of this activity to my knowledge.. this is what gets in the world can the wtbts do things like this and nobody ever finds out about it through the society.. please clue me in!!
They probably acquired the property through a publisher's will or something. I wonder if they use migrant worker's to pick the oranges, or not.
maybe you'll want to post some of your own on this link????.
never squat with yer spurs on
I love this thread! Great idea, LB! I don't have a camera. But keep those cartoons, coming!
Welcome Jamaica and Jan!
When I was attending meetings there were 70 questions that an elder would ask and you would have to answer correctly to qualify for baptism. Usually, someone that is interested has a bible study with someone who is qualified to prepare you. Baptism is always a serious step and definitely not to be taken lightly.
what is your favorite movie line?
please mention the movie line and why it is the best.. my favorite movie line:.
"ever since i was a kid...i always wanted to be a gangster.".
I have always wanted to say this to a guy:
"I have a head for business....and a bod for sin."
Told by Melanie Griffith to Harrison Ford, at the bar. In the movie, Working Girl.
a very funny website.....
manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste.
Love those cute pics! The grey tiger cat reminded me of my cat, Kitty.
I named her after Kitty Dukakis. (The former politician's wife) I only had her for a couple of weeks, because my landlord said I couldn't keep her. I still miss her!
i'm giving up smoking on the 22nd.
it will be the third time, but this time as part of a government sponsored training course with drugs and patches supplied etc.
anyone else given up and got any helpfull advise?.
There's nothing sexier than a guy with sparkling white teeth and fresh breath! Good Luck Ballistic!
My favorite, here in the States, is Dove Bars. Pure vanilla on a stick dipped into a thick, dark chocolate. MMMMMMM!
in the uk you never hear words such as:.
How about the British word:
fortnight = two weeks
many times on jwd we squabble and argue,.
even to the point of angry fights.. really, we all have our points-of-view.. really, we all think we are right.. you jws especially.. christmas time is a nice time of year, though.. however we individually believe, we wish each other peace.. rex included.
i wish everyone at jwd a very merry christmas.. share it with someone you love.. try to be peaceable with your fellow humans.. make time for others.. and have a wonderful 2002. soon enough, you know will be back in october to tell us our doom!
Hey, that's pretty cool. Kind of like secret codes.
Have a Happy New Year, too.