If you are ready to stop, then you will. Just accept the fact that you are in for some discomfort and that you can handle it.
Your sub conscious will probably try to pick a quarrel with someone just so's to give you an excuse to start again. Then it will suggest that 1 cigar a day would be OK. A pipe maybe? Sneaky sub conscious!
After a few days your taste buds wil go crazy. Beer will taste like gnats piss. Food will taste wonderful. Ooh, better start smoking, mustn't put weight on!
A few tips. Have all your clothes cleaned so that YOU don't smell of smoke anymore. Eat in the non-smoking setions. Get your teeth scraped and cleaned. Eat fruit, smoke and fruit aren't compatible. Don't allow people to smoke in your home, especially in your car, or anywhere near you.
One more thing. You will feel hyper and agitated for a few days. This is because your bloodstream is carrying around 25% more oxygen now. So if you succombe to a fag the temporary relief is caused by the carbon monoxide suppressing the oxygen, not the niccotine.
Bring on the dancing girls!