JoinedPosts by JWchange
If JWs were to change their name what would they change it to?
by slimboyfat inwas it 1931 when they adopted jehovah's witnesses?
(at the time with lower case w) isn't it about time now they changed name again?
i mean everything else is changing why not the name!
Jehovah's Profits (as opposed to Prophets) -
2016 JW Yearbook out now and online
by JWchange inlatest numbers: 1.5% increase from 2014:.
https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/2016-yearbook/2015-grand-totals/ .
interesting sections: .
Apologies all. I didn't realize this has been already been posted as I have not been on this forum for 3 weeks and couldn't find previous posts on this when i did a search. -
2016 JW Yearbook out now and online
by JWchange inlatest numbers: 1.5% increase from 2014:.
https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/2016-yearbook/2015-grand-totals/ .
interesting sections: .
Latest numbers: 1.5% increase from 2014:
interesting sections:
WTBTS Submissions to Royal Commission on abuse: The response document in FULL
by JWchange init is not obvious if someone has already put the responses and excuses to the findings of the royal commission, by watchtower on this forum somewhere, sorry if it is already posted.
click on the link below, and scroll down to 'submissions' near bottom of page and you can download the full document.
if this link doesn't work.
It is not obvious if someone has already put the responses and excuses to the findings of the Royal Commission, by Watchtower on this forum somewhere, Sorry if it is already posted.
Click on the link below, and scroll down to 'Submissions' near bottom of page and you can download the full document.
If this link doesn't work. go to case study 29 JWs and you will find it as described above.
It is very bad that WTBTS are actually making excuses and even stating certain findings are beyond the scope of the inquiry.They should have said we will change procedures as of today. They didn't and it makes me very angry.
Why do girls have a hymen?
by JWchange inif you believe humans evolved, and were not created, why would having a hymen help, especially as no other mammal has one?
if you believe humans were created by {a} god, or intelligent beings with advanced technology, what was the reason for a hymen?
i'm interested to hear your thoughts on this unusual subject, not many people talk about..
If you believe Humans evolved, and were not created, why would having a hymen help, especially as no other mammal has one?
If you believe Humans were created by {a} God, or intelligent beings with advanced technology, what was the reason for a hymen?
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this unusual subject, not many people talk about.
JWs, UFO's, demons, and the book "The Dark Gods"
by MikeHammer ini have been looking into this issue that (many/most/all/etc) ufos are caused by demons as seems to be said by jws.
some time ago when i browsed this site i read a posting where someone recommended a book titled "the dark gods" by roberts and gilbertson (here is a link to the book at amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/dark-gods-anthony-roberts/dp/009138771x).. besides that one there are a couple of other books that i have checked (one of these is "operation trojan horse" by john keel and the other one is "a guide to the paranormal" by magnus raven).
both of these say the same thing although they approach this issue from different directions.. looking at the amazon reviews for "the dark gods" it looks like it also says the same thing but the book is out of print.
If Aliens are non human advanced intelligent beings from other planets, other dimensions, other universes, i believe there is a high probability there are such super advanced life forms.
There is also a high probability Religious literature and historic texts is full of Alien encounters. Angels, Demons, Jinn (Quoran), Hindu Gods, etc. Depending on the eye of the beholder and their benevolence, some are portrayed as bad ('Demons), or Good (Angels).
if there are many races of such beings, some may use spacecraft (UFOs), but more advanced ones (Ultra Terrestrials) would have technology so advanced they could possibly make themselves invisible. Even if they had spacecraft, we would would not see them unless they wanted us to for a reason.
When i was an active JW, I secretly believed all the above and even thought the New Jerusalem in Revelation could be a giant mother ship, 'and the whole world would see him in the clouds [via CNN}'. Who knows?
Read Jim Marrs books. I'm also a fan of Graham Hancock
Yeah, my parents plan to will everything to this parasitic organization and forsake their seed
by Phaedra inyeah, they'll leave it all, their home, savings, etc.. never mind helping out their struggling children who never had a chance.. fuck this organization and everything it stands for when its members think god will favor them more by willing everything to a corporation instead of their own struggling seed..
When they die (RIP), use social media and the press to object that your parents have left their money to pay for JW Pedo lawsuits. THEN SUE the estate and the trustees if the trustees agree to leave it to the JWs. . -
SHUNNING - Unchristian Psychological Torture
by EdenOne insome time ago, i wrote an extensive article on shunning and published it on my website.
since that website had views on doctrinal matters that no longer reflect my current stand, i took the website down.
however, my views on this matter are still current, and for the benefit of everyone here, i'm going to post the article here.
Dr EdenOne: Very well written scholarly article. You qualify for PhD level in JW TTATT activism!
I suggest you send to jwsurvey, jwfacts and others for publication. Also, may be worth sending via courier marked confidential to each member of the Governing Body and their 'helpers'. over a period of time so that your article doesn't get binned at the same time. This is a wild card, but could lay seeds of change for the future. Even though i wont hold my breath, your excellent article could create future change in the JWs, if just a couple of their leadership reads it, especially when their expansion starts decreasing.
For the Supporters of Those Who Love Jehovah
by lovesjehovah ini am jehovah's witness, despite some of the questionable teachings, crimes, and other outlandish behaviors of specific people affiliated with the religion.
i know that my relationship with jehovah is not influenced by any outside factors.
i do not condone any crime.
Wow. Lovesjehovah buddy, you certainly have created an interesting thread based on all the responses. i commend you.
My thoughts, at risk of being branded a blasphemer:
I believe in 'The Creator' of life on this planet and am thankful for all the beauty you can see in nature.i certainly love, thank and appreciate 'He who causes to be', the apparent translation of the name.
I am not sure if the 'ass kicking' Jehovah of the old testament, as written by men in the Bible (or Koran), is the above.
I cannot accept our loving creator has the aim of killing 7 billion people.He is a winner not a loser.
i also believe religion sucks, especially when they speak in the Creator's name without authority.
Bottom line: (sorry half this post is to do with bottoms), if I was Jehovah/Allah/The Creator, i would one day publicly kick the ass of religious leaders, including JW Governing Body members, for all the problems they have caused. I would not take it out on ordinary people who are trying to live a normal decent life.
Who or What is the Holy Spirit?
by FusionTheism intradition within christianity has long been that any time the phrases holy spirit, holy ghost, or spirit of godare used in the bible (especially in the new testament), it always refers to the mysterious third divine person of the trinity, who is fully god, co-equal to the father and son, yet somehow distinct.. i want to present a simplified alternative view: let the context determine the meaning!.
(one thing to keep in mind is that the meaning of the bible words used for spirit basically is unseen force or invisible presence.).
the holy spirit as the mind and personality of god.
Could it be the Holy Spirit is the incredible automation that exists in the universe which possibly includes Karma and 'The Force be with you' type phenomena presented in the Star Wars movies. Regardless of whether someone is an Atheist, Spiritual or Religious, I am of the opinion many people would agree to the possibility such a force exists. Some people are good at tapping into it and others 'sin' against it.....for example blowing people up in the name of their God.