JoinedTopics Started by Eclectic
Publication about blood transfusions and JW
by Eclectic ini wanted just to inform you about a publication, in case you are not aware of it, called declaration on the refusal of the jehovah's witnesses to accept blood transfusions (published in catalan, spanish and english) by the observatori de bioetica i dret (i. e. observatory of bioethics and law) of the university of barcelona from november 2005, which states: "it is important to recognise and highlight the issue which underlies the debate: the doubt arising in certain cases on the part of medical personnel regarding the degree of autonomy with which members of jehovahs witnesses take decisions to refuse blood transfusions.
the usual presence of persons who act as mediators between the patient and the doctor may lead to doubts regarding the moral autonomy with which certain patients make decisions concerning their treatment.
certain health professionals claim although confi rming these claims would prove diffi cult that for some jehovahs witnesses imposition by the doctor of the blood transfusion is a form of liberation of the patients own moral responsibility since the patient is not then allowed to decide anything and the risk to life is avoided.
Fury after reading Watchtower article for this week
by Eclectic ini hope i do not repeat thread.
paragraph 15, w2011 6/15 p. 23 states:.
paul set a fine example for christian elders.
How Jehovah's Witnesses Meet their Match SPIEGEL INTERNATIONAL article
by Eclectic ini hope i do not repeat topic.
i just read this interesting article here:.,1518,775520,00.html.
DC 2011 Let's God's Kingdom Come! summerized
by Eclectic inhello,.
i attended recently the dc 2011 and this video summerizes the whole programme in 9 minuts 49 seconds:.
May I enter?
by Eclectic init is a pleasure to read some of the topics posted in this forum.
finally i decided to register.
i have now the certainty that when i am sitting down at the kh listening to teachings i do not accept i am not alone in this world, maybe thousands feel the same way.