I'll bet one of you posted this review on Triggerstreet!...very kind of you!
Re: Father's Touch Fantastic job -- November 8, 2003 - 8:52 PM Review Id: 598664 |
the short film based on the first chapter of my memoir father's touch (sexual abuse within a jw family) is completed and can be viewed on actor kevin spacey's international short film web site: .
all you need is an email address to join (it's free) .
I'll bet one of you posted this review on Triggerstreet!...very kind of you!
Re: Father's Touch Fantastic job -- November 8, 2003 - 8:52 PM Review Id: 598664 |
the short film based on the first chapter of my memoir father's touch (sexual abuse within a jw family) is completed and can be viewed on actor kevin spacey's international short film web site: .
all you need is an email address to join (it's free) .
Thanks to all who posted a review of my short! Much appreciated! Donald
the short film based on the first chapter of my memoir father's touch (sexual abuse within a jw family) is completed and can be viewed on actor kevin spacey's international short film web site: .
all you need is an email address to join (it's free) .
Thanks Matty! I really appreciate your feedback!
All who've seen it...could you tell it was about sexual abuse?
And for those so inclined, a review would really help us with the festival...it's being decided within 4 days! yikes!
Thanks a mil.
the short film based on the first chapter of my memoir father's touch (sexual abuse within a jw family) is completed and can be viewed on actor kevin spacey's international short film web site: .
all you need is an email address to join (it's free) .
Thanks so much Shera! Did you have any problem viewing the film?
the short film based on the first chapter of my memoir father's touch (sexual abuse within a jw family) is completed and can be viewed on actor kevin spacey's international short film web site: .
all you need is an email address to join (it's free) .
The film has received excellent reviews and many views on Triggerstreet. Thanks!
the short film based on the first chapter of my memoir father's touch (sexual abuse within a jw family) is completed and can be viewed on actor kevin spacey's international short film web site: .
all you need is an email address to join (it's free) .
Thanks Sally...you can find my film different ways...search for Father's Touch under browse short films
or search members PLF...that will take you to the bio page of the producer/director...and then click on her upload Father's Touch...let me know if this works! Thanks for your effort!
Oh should add, New Arrivals will take you there as well!
the short film based on the first chapter of my memoir father's touch (sexual abuse within a jw family) is completed and can be viewed on actor kevin spacey's international short film web site: .
all you need is an email address to join (it's free) .
The short film based on the first chapter of my memoir Father's Touch (sexual abuse within a JW family) is completed and can be viewed on actor Kevin Spacey's international short film web site:
All you need is an email address to join (it's free) .
Once you are a member go to New Arrivals: Father's Touch
Love to get your feedback (there's a place to post reviews). The film is competing against many for a festival that's coming up in January! This will only draw more international attention to situations of child abuse.
I should point out that as in the first chapter of my memoir, I suggest what is to come...it does not show graphic situations, but the suggestion is there!
i've mentioned it a few times, but between the ages of 5-7 i had my two female cousins living with me.
my parents were doing them a favor by letting them live there, but what they didn't know was the prior sexual abuse and molestation by members of their/our family...well, it is in my opinion the trickle down theory of abuse and i also know and remember doing some of the same things with my own siblings even a couple years after they weren't there any more.. i often ask myself.
am i responsible for that?
Dear Valis, haven't been here in ages and it's amazing to find your heartfelt post. I can tell you that from my experience with pedophiles...the word is deny, deny, deny ...oh and pass the buck.
Every post I've ever read from you has been thoughtful, honest, direct. You always are the first person to put out an encouraging word or set straight a wrong.
I believe there is much more choice and intelligence behind the eyes of a molester than people give them credit for. Self-analysis is not big on a pervert's to do list.
Good for you for reaching out and encouraging discussion amongst fellow survivors. Our individual histories are important and denying the truth of our individual pasts will not help us in making healthy decisions in the future.
Take good care of yourself!
this was sent to me through my web site (www.fatherstouch.com) .
i was just saying to someone the other day, ...at least the witnesses don't talk to me or write me!
Thanks Charlene!
And Scully and Oldcrowwoman...this letter is nothing..imagine getting the same drivel from my father!! If I saved the letters he used to send I'd have a 1000!!!! Most of it got filed in G for garbage!
He is a clever s.o.b...I'd write on it return to sender...then he had other people write my address so that he would trick me...then he had the nerve to write my brother's daughters...he's even used government envelops and work stationary to fool us into opening his letters.
Thank god he lives in the Phillipines, but I never stop worrying about his new children, the babysitters, his 5th wife, the neighbours kids, that country, ...you get my drift!
this was sent to me through my web site (www.fatherstouch.com) .
i was just saying to someone the other day, ...at least the witnesses don't talk to me or write me!
The funny thing is I've been told I'm going to die before I started really living...from my abuser father telling me God would destroy me for not being a Witness when I was a child to his telling me I'd burn in hell for not going born again when I was 15 (...and ever since by the way)
Honestly when I hear any of preaching and I mean any: I go "La La La, La La La" as I hold my hands to my ears..aka the blond lady on Mad TV.
The presumptiousness of these people is astounding!!! Let God kill me..he doesn't need their help!