The walk was success despite the rain and cold. Very empowering experience! Here's a story and 76 photo gallery
the walk was success despite the rain and cold.
very empowering experience!
here's a story and 76 photo gallery .
The walk was success despite the rain and cold. Very empowering experience! Here's a story and 76 photo gallery
i was interviewed this morning by a very thoughtful host...they posted the interview...the show is an hour long.
i'm the last half hour so at the 30 min mark or so.
it was only supposed to be 15 minutes but i guess they liked what i had to say!
I was interviewed this morning by a very thoughtful host...they posted the interview...the show is an hour long. I'm the last half hour so at the 30 min mark or so. It was only supposed to be 15 minutes but I guess they liked what I had to say!
i had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with sheldon kennedy.
you may remember him best as teh nhl player that came forward about his being abused by his hockey coach.
he played for detroit ( best known as well as for the bruins).. he has partnered with the red cross in canada and their respect ed program which is designed to address bullying and abuse of all kinds.
I interviewed Sheldon a few years ago for a magazine here in London. He was in the middle of a blitz of publicity. He's a walking example of the courage it takes to talk about male sexual abuse, confront your abuser and try to survive the best way you can. I wish him well. Thanks for posting your experience!
how in the world did chris get sent home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he should have won !
i am pissed off right now ,ahhhh
I flew up north and the elimination last week was the first 30 minutes I've missed this season! Boy did I hear about it everywhere. I'm not sorry to say that I was not surprised, nor did I care for Chris. I think he sang much better the first 6 or so weeks and has not done as well of late. Yes, he'd make a good lead for a rock band. Would I buy a cd of him or go see him? No...I want a Elliot and Taylor finale...they both rock... Catherine should have been gone already. If it had been a Chris/Catherine finale I would have been bored to tears..Now I'm excited about possibilities. Yes, I know I'm a circle of few but Eliott can darn well sing beautifully and Taylor is the most original there in a long time!
i don't know if you know, but i shot a film here in london and vegas.
(yes, indeed, sometimes you need to take a break from the heavy stuff!
) i reshot some scenes, found a new editor and just it uploaded to kevin spacey's world web - short film site the film is called viva los donald
Triggerstreet has strict rules on sizes. The original played in a theatre 3 stories high in Toronto! so if it's choppy it's because of compression, small size of frame, ratios etc. The high resolution Quick Time and REal time is the best versions of the 4 I posted there. I used a very experienced editor who's done music videos, documentaries, etc. He's also a musician. We worked well together. As for reviews...I've reviewed over 800 films on Triggerstreet. No reviewer can post less than a 50 word review. That policy weeds out those who want to leave one word reviews and don't give constructive criticism! As usual Blondie, thanks for your support!
i don't know if you know, but i shot a film here in london and vegas.
(yes, indeed, sometimes you need to take a break from the heavy stuff!
) i reshot some scenes, found a new editor and just it uploaded to kevin spacey's world web - short film site the film is called viva los donald
Blondie, it takes a long, long time. I'll bet the editor and I put in a hundred and more hours easy. That 5 min 17 sec is edited down from hours and hours of filming. Seethesky. Thanks for your one word review. Our film was chosen for a comedy festival in Toronto. One of 201 chosen out of 1000 entries. Critics just make us better.
i don't know if you know, but i shot a film here in london and vegas.
(yes, indeed, sometimes you need to take a break from the heavy stuff!
) i reshot some scenes, found a new editor and just it uploaded to kevin spacey's world web - short film site the film is called viva los donald
3 reviews on of my revamped short film Viva Los Donald. Thanks for all who viewed and for those who reviewed! Reviewed by: mattclaire Re: Viva Los Donald OHHH DONALD Very nice!! I laughed out loud. It was a perfect little story about, well however someone may want to interpret it. I really enjoyed the editing and music, and the general feelings of frantic Vegas. The confusion and all that were all brought to life and it is so effortless to watch and enjoy. Great work. Loved the credits, they kicked ass, especially that voice, what a wonderful voice. OHHH DONALD. good work. Reviewed by: buggs Re: Viva Los Donald MUCH TIGHTER! I remember seeing the original version ! This one is 100% better ! Tighter faster paced and clearer subject matter!! Moves right along ! Great new editing !! Really enjoyed it! The Las Vegas shots are much better also. Love all the crazy characters that are at the "group" and how they do a completer turn around! What a nightmare for poor Donald. What is real what isant???
buggs -- May 4, 2006 - 6:33 PM Reviewed by: dickym Re: Viva Los Donald Viva Los Donald I remeber this short when it first came out it was way to long and the story was not that clear but it has been revamped well. It is alot tighter and it has a better story line. Amazing what you can do by removing and adding footage and still have the same story.
I like the scooter scene. the way it is speeded up.
on the hole I give it a 8 out of 10 Well done -- May 2, 2006 - 5:01 PM
i just watched taylor's performance.
i don't think the judges loved him too much, but i sure did.
he was great.. it's only half over so no comment on the others yet.
I'd be happy if Taylor was in the final two..if it's Katherine and Chris....ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz... now that Paris is gone, my dream two would be Taylor and Eliott
i don't know if you know, but i shot a film here in london and vegas.
(yes, indeed, sometimes you need to take a break from the heavy stuff!
) i reshot some scenes, found a new editor and just it uploaded to kevin spacey's world web - short film site the film is called viva los donald
ps: forgot to post my synopsis for the film the way, wonder where I came about with "Brother Richard"...NOT! Donald is recruited by Brother Richard to be the newest member of a gambler’s anonymous group where he learns the chant: "Together we're better, we're better together...Go Team!" But, is he better? When desperation meets the devil....he'll soon find out.
i don't know if you know, but i shot a film here in london and vegas.
(yes, indeed, sometimes you need to take a break from the heavy stuff!
) i reshot some scenes, found a new editor and just it uploaded to kevin spacey's world web - short film site the film is called viva los donald
Seventy-seven people have viewed my film already - that's in two days!! I'm going to be enterring it in Giggleshorts Festival in Toronto!