I usually post the links to these stories on Facebook, recently I was asked why I would post such a link....it shows that JW's in good standing do in fact read them....they don't like them, but they are reading them.
JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Entire Body of ELDERS make NEWS with GB. more news on FB
by Jack Miller inhttp://www.mcalesternews.com/policecourts/x409169231/da-jehovah-witness-church-concealed-molestation-crimes.
if you have a facebook account you can read more details that wt has published about one of these elders involved in this illegal cover up.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/xjwrg3/permalink/10151981880490835/.
Pioneer Encouragement - "You can sit in the back room"
by 4thgen inlast night one of the pioneers stopped by on her way home from the pioneer meeting.
she has always been very kind and i believe she is acted out of concern, however her visit was unsettling.
she mentioned that all the pioneers were counseled to invite everyone they know inactive or those who has had life has got them down to come to (a special?
The pressure is mounting for the pioneers and elders to increase their performance numbers. The WTBTS must realize how depressing it must be for those in 'the full-time service' to almost never have 'productive' bible studies, so now a 'new field' is opened to them, where they can get that 'feel good' emotion of helping someone return to the fold. It will make them think they actually are accomplishing something. It is imperative that the WTBTS numbers improve on their yearly stats.
Love the charity work reference! That must really have put her in confusion...'how can they be performing charity work and be happy. You can only be happy if your charity work is preaching...must be a lie that they are happy...where is my Paxil?'
Marriage Consummation - emailed question has me stumped
by jwfacts ini received an email from a jw that got married, but the wife never had sex with him.
they were together for a period of years.
he told the elders, but they said there was nothing that could be done.
The WTBTS will probably go back to the OT and the example of King David. When he was old and ancient, the Jews found the most beautiful woman in the land, Abishad, and forced her to lay in his 'bosom' to keep him warm. They never had sex. When David died, Abishag was considered as property, chattels, concubine or wife and possesion of her would have laid claim to the throne. Therefore, marriage without sex is still considered marriage before Jehovah...IMHO...
Did You Ever Learn Anything From The Meetings?
by minimus ini found the meetings to be especially boring from the late 1980s on.
before that, we actually tried to make people want to listen.
the meetings were pretty interesting.
My girl friend and I invented a sign language so we could chat with each other during the meeting. If we whispered to each other, my mom would tell us to be quiet and listen. So we came up with a plan to communicate with each other by other means. We were 10 and 11 at the time.
Child intimidated into no sports activities- suggestions please
by 4thgen inmy ex is an active witness.
i've been endeavoring to socialize my child ad best as possible.
he loves sports in school, but has been intimidated by his father that after school activities are evil.
If you feel his father has intimidated him into being afraid because of evilness, you could ask your son questions. "Do you know anyone who is bad that plays sports?" "If playing sports is bad, why does Daddy watch sports on TV? Does that make sense to you that he would be watching people who were bad?" and so on.
Get him to start thinking for himself.
delusional until the end- must read
by nowwhat? inin our area, we have a 78 year old well known brother known for his stout faithfulness whose wife just died.
his life story is jw textbook.. pioneered for decades, went to bethel, where he was a mid range heavy.
then his wife got accidently pregnant so they had to leave around 1980.. known in the area for being the top man on the rbc, also in charge of the money at conventions and assemblies and just about every responsibility you can think of.
And yet the WTBTS always is talking about honoring the elderly and give the example of faithful Anna, who was never missing from the temple...can't you just see her getting the boot from Bethel?
Ran into JW's manning a table/booth at the beach.
by PaintedToeNail incame across 2 of these 'booths' in 2 days.
one at the int'l airport we landed at (hubby asked directions from them, they were knowledgable about the airport and very nice) and the other at a pier on the beach...hubby had to race over and say hi to them and i was standing there.
the 'brother' was an arrogant boob.
It was interesting to see eventhe first couple, they were wedged between a couple other booths of some sort and were chatting away together. When my husband poke to them they looked rather startled, almost as if someone approaching them was unheard of. They were really nice and down to earth.
4thgen-They do look that ridiculous!
Ran into JW's manning a table/booth at the beach.
by PaintedToeNail incame across 2 of these 'booths' in 2 days.
one at the int'l airport we landed at (hubby asked directions from them, they were knowledgable about the airport and very nice) and the other at a pier on the beach...hubby had to race over and say hi to them and i was standing there.
the 'brother' was an arrogant boob.
Came across 2 of these 'booths' in 2 days. One at the int'l airport we landed at (hubby asked directions from them, they were knowledgable about the airport and very nice) and the other at a pier on the beach...hubby had to race over and say Hi to them and I was standing there. The 'brother' was an arrogant boob. He made sure we knew he had been in Bethel, and was only in that lovely beach town because Bethel downsized 7 years ago. He said some more stuff, and asked about us being in that locale. I couldn't take it anymore and told him, "I used to live here as a kid, but my parents moved because the end was coming in 1975 and they needed to save their relatives in....(a really cold place)..obviously the end didn't come, my relatives couldn't have cared less about armageddon and we were stuck freezing to death."
The look on that bro's face was priceless. I walked off then and got some fresh caught sea food. Hubby followed and said absolutely nothing...the bro was dressed in a wool jacket, wool hat, tie the whole 9 yards. Everyone else was in shorts or bathing suits.
Witnesses: Why The 1/19/14 WT Lesson Is Dangerous
by Apognophos intoday's watchtower lesson touched on the history of hezekiah's reign, and then made a surprising modern-day application.
having used my time before the meeting to research the underlying material instead of highlighting my magazine, i personally found this to be an upsetting study, and decided to put this warning here in the hopes that some active witnesses read it.. the most important thing i want to say to you is that the actual flow of events in this bible account were severely misrepresented, and that there are some disturbing implications in the distortions that were made.
1. hezekiah's father ahaz makes himself a vassal to assyria out of fear of their overwhelming might (2 kings 16:7, 8).. 2. upon becoming king, hezekiah rebels against assyria (2 kings 18:7).
"Is my life now more meaningful, and am I happier?"
by Julia Orwell inso the question is posed in this week's watchtower study at our former cult's houses of indoctrination.
i should like to answer it, and i should like to hear your answers too.. the question is in two parts, and i shall address each one in turn.. q. is my life more meaningful?.
my life is more meaningful.
Julia-I agree, my life is happier now. I too, no longer need as much anxiety medication and do not live in a state of constant fear. My depression has almost cleared, panic attacks have stopped, I'm not in stress-induced pain anymore...stress brought on by being told you haven't done enough, don't give enough and aren't good enough. I'm pursuing a new direction in life with a new business, which I love.
Congratulations to you and everyone else who has found meaning in their lives beyond the cult.