Hi Powermetal4ever, welcome!
JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Hi! I'm new here
by Powermetal4ever inthought i am gonna introduce myself.
i am a girl from a country in europe, and not an english speaking one, so if i am writing strange or something, you know why.
anyway, have been reading here for a while now, the other day i thought it was time to register as a member.
My DF'd father going in for cancer surgery
by PaintedToeNail inin january or february of this year, my father was df'd for viewing pornography.
he was diagnosed with a rare-ish lung cancer in august, it doesn't have good recovery odds.
he had been struggling with a porn problem for awhile, asking the 'brothers' for help.
Update for all those who have contacted me regarding my father: His surgery was inexplicably postponed until the 25th. His surgeon's office left a message with my mom, who asked no questions, that they were postponing it and they would contact her later. After my brother and I pushed her, my mom called his office and they rescheduling for the 25th telling her the surgeon is going on vacation. His lung doctor wanted him operated on immediately, and that was a month ago. There has been nothing but a lack of communication between the two doctors amongst themselves and with my parents. It is very frustrating being so far away and not being able to be in the loop.
My brother & I have tried to get put on the medical records as being people who the doctors were able to speak with regarding my dad's condition, but my mom flipped out and accused us of trying to make her life difficult...meanwhile, my dad is more depressed than ever with all this craziness going on.
Modern Morality .
by jhine inhaving recently been posting on a thread about ot moral values , which are not widely "appreciated " to say the least , i have been thinking about our modern morals about sex and reletionships , or more acurately the lack of any sexual morals todays .
i don't think that we are better off as a society which has gone so far to the do want you want , with whom you want and when you want approach to sexual ethics as we have .
i don't think that women are actually liberated by this attitude .
jhine-As the mother of elementary school aged daughters, I find it disturbing that clothing for them is very sexual. My tween girl is modest and doesn't feel comfortable wearing clothing that shows too much skin. Schools recognize the trend to put little girls into provocative clothing. Her school has banned mesh clothing, midriff baring shirts, skirts or shorts that are shorter than the end of the fingertips, tube tops, jeans or pants that allow the underwear to be shown, pants that fall below the buttocks, mesh tops.
Pediatricians are pushing the HPV vaccine at the age of 11 or 12. HPV causes most cervical cancers, it is a sexually transmitted disease. It is sad to think of 11 year olds having sex, but it does happen more than it should.
Will it someday be possible to read another person's mind, without his or her even knowing it?
by Pinku inscientists transmit thoughts from one brain to another.
sep 7, 2014, 6:27 am et.
column by lee dye.
I think the field used is called 'The Akashic Field' and is studied at the quantum level in physics. I'm in the midst of reading about this field in a book called "Science and the Akashic Field" by Ervin Laszlo. Laszlo has been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize and has several doctorates. He was a professor of of philosophy, systems theory and futures studies in various countries of the world, according to the blurb on the back cover.
My DF'd father going in for cancer surgery
by PaintedToeNail inin january or february of this year, my father was df'd for viewing pornography.
he was diagnosed with a rare-ish lung cancer in august, it doesn't have good recovery odds.
he had been struggling with a porn problem for awhile, asking the 'brothers' for help.
hamsterbait-You are sooo right! The congregation he goes to had 2 brothers put in jail for pedophila, one was only reproved. There was a 3rd one, I don't know what happened to him-he claimed to be of the anointed-he moved away, they did DF his victim though, for acting out sexually a couple of years later....
by Brainfloss in<iframe width="854" height="510" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/wuptoqz1e2g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
Rather profound actually. Thank you for sharing this.
My DF'd father going in for cancer surgery
by PaintedToeNail inin january or february of this year, my father was df'd for viewing pornography.
he was diagnosed with a rare-ish lung cancer in august, it doesn't have good recovery odds.
he had been struggling with a porn problem for awhile, asking the 'brothers' for help.
quelly-I agree, he needs help to overcome that problem...having a good lay might've helped prevent it, lol! He isn't a bad person, just a weak one.
BU2B-My dad is a nice person in general, there have been times that I would've liked to wring his neck, but that is a child's occasional perogative. I remember one time when I was a kid there was a DF'd young man he spotted on the side of the road, his car had a flat tire. It was winter in northern Minnesota. He told us kids we had to stop and help him. Upon learning there was no spare tire, we drove the young man home. My dad had been an elder in the mid 1970's. He resigned (stepped down) when there was a young sister who was getting the shaft by the elders, he said they rubber stamped her DFing to please her uncle who really hated her. He made sure to take her uncle down before he stepped down. He never accepted being an elder ever again.
My DF'd father going in for cancer surgery
by PaintedToeNail inin january or february of this year, my father was df'd for viewing pornography.
he was diagnosed with a rare-ish lung cancer in august, it doesn't have good recovery odds.
he had been struggling with a porn problem for awhile, asking the 'brothers' for help.
ruderedhead-She would give him the cards, but would roll her eyes as she does it. My mom isn't what I would call mean necessarily, she is just who she is, a cold, stoic German woman. They are not culturally known for their warmth and affection. I told my parents 30 years ago that I wished they could divorce and be happy. My father with an expressive Latin blooded woman who adored him and my mother with a regimented German who lived up to her expectations. My mother is very frugal, intelligent, has beautiful flowers, keeps a clean house and used to be a good cook, she would never physically hurt anyone, it is just her very critical, hurtful words and lack of affection that hurt.
skeeter1-he does have a bucket list. He would love to see Yellowstone again, do more traveling...but in his current state he cannot sit in one position for any amount of time. He was banned from driving by the Doctor several years ago, as he literally falls asleep in an instant. He has fallen asleep driving on many occasions, also in the midst of conversation or even while standing-only to fall and hurt himself. He would love to have his oldest son call to talk to him, but he is shunning the man who gave him life in accord with WTBTS rules. I have over the years tried to Bucket list before he was so ill. Took him on vacation to Hawaii, go to Niagara Falls, bring his grandchildren to see him whenever I can. I started asking them to move near to me, as I am unable to move near to them because of work. After 20 years of viewing houses with numerous realtors, I washed my hands of showing them anymore houses and bought one that I completely renovated for them last year...it didn't work out for my mother, who has no tolerance for cigarette smoke due to an unusual eye condition, she has to get her eye peeled every few years by a surgeon to keep her vision. Smoke or dust is painful for her. The neighbors smoke like a chimney on their own patio, but the smoke came into the windows of the house I renovated when they were open. People from Germany need to have their windows open in the summer and also they NEED to plant flowers and putter in their own yards, which was impossible due to the close proximity of the smoking, yet very lovely, neighbors. It was winter when I bought the house, so I didn't realise the smoking issue. Now, Dad needs to stay near his doctors.
Questioning-Thanks for the pm!
My DF'd father going in for cancer surgery
by PaintedToeNail inin january or february of this year, my father was df'd for viewing pornography.
he was diagnosed with a rare-ish lung cancer in august, it doesn't have good recovery odds.
he had been struggling with a porn problem for awhile, asking the 'brothers' for help.
In January or February of this year, my father was DF'd for viewing pornography. He was diagnosed with a rare-ish lung cancer in August, it doesn't have good recovery odds. He had been struggling with a porn problem for awhile, asking the 'brothers' for help. The fact that I have two brothers guarantees my parents had sex three times. My mother is less than passionate or loving. My father tells me it has been over ten years since they were horizontal together. He has always been a very expressive person, hugged us kids & the old people in the KH, wanted to hold the new babies. Kids love him, he makes up really great stories to tell them, expanding the characters he made up for us kids on long car rides.
Anyway, he was baptised in 1969. Gave all of his young years to the Borg. He has always been extremely generous to anyone in need in the congregation, always ferrying people back and forth to meetings, assemblies, conventions. Repairing plumbing for single sisters or disabled brothers or the elderly. Has put in more air conditioners for the KH attendees than an HVAC person. Money was freely given to those in need, never asking for it to be repaid, and he was by no means wealthy. When anyone needed anything, they called my Dad. He was also the one who did much of the exterior yard work at the KH for several decades (often by himself or with my mom), an old man on medical retirement, both knees were replaced twice and always in pain.
In January, my mom turned in my Dad for the porn. It was somewhat my fault. She was annoyed that his computer seems to be constantly getting infected with viruses. I told her it is because he clicks on the porn sites, they are notorious for having viruses. (He takes a hypnotic drug for sleeping, a drug that has the side affect of people driving, eating, using the internet, having sex, calling people without them being aware of it. The porn was mainly viewed while he was under the influence of the drug. It inhibits the ability to say no to yourself and if you are feeling any urges, it causes you to act on them...he probably also viewed porn without being under the influence, since he had asked for help earlier.) His viewing porn doesn't bother me in the least, I know he's been living without love for years.
He now faces lung surgery and the subsequent recovery alone. No one visits, no one calls. It is such a GOOD witness. Their religious Catholic neighbor just had brain cancer surgery. He came home from hospital while I was out for a visit. The day he came home, those WICKED people from his church came to visit, I watched several times as car-loads of people came to wish him well and pray for him. My father had no one.
It struck me, that all the neighbors must be wondering what the hell is going on. Here is a man who was always zealous in his church, who needs the support of his friends at this critical time and NONE of them are there. They must realise that the JW's are a cold, callous bunch. It is a GOOD Witness indeed. I hope every time they see the JW's they remember what is being done to my father, a 40+ adherent to that 'faith'.
My father is in a serious depression, facing his illness alone. My mother treats him with the proper contempt. I live 400 miles away, not in a good position to help. My little brother isn't very close either, but he started a facebook page for my dad and lots of complete strangers sent their positive thoughts his way. When he showed it to my father, he was very touched that strangers would wish him well. It irritated my mother, as it interferes with his shunning, having people express concern.
My father isn't able to use the computer right now, sitting upright at the desk is causing him much pain, so he can't see the mesages WICKED worldly people are sending him to encourage him.
If anyone here would like to send him a simple card by snail mail, please PM me. I will forward his address.
Thank you.
Observations from a day at the zoo
by Simon inso we went to calgary zoo today and i'm torn between zoo's being great for conservation vs using animals to make money.
i think on the whole they are a good thing but it's sad to see some of the animals caged up - somehow i always end up staring into the eyes of a gorilla and it makes me sad.. but that isn't what struck me ... it's these things:.
Zoos don't make that much money from just entry fees. The wagons and expensive food stalls help fund them, along with the overprice souveniers. You are right though, unless a kid is disabled they should be walking and getting a little exercise. Do the places that encourage those annoying things have to pay extra liability insurance in case some unsuspecting person trips over them?
I was at the Calgary Zoo in 1999. They had really beautiful flowers and a big cat that had worn a dirt path pacing back and forth in front of his cage, he wanted out. It was sad. It is even more sad to think that someone would've been happy to shoot him to make a fur coat or a rug in front of the fireplace, so he was better off pacing, even if he didn't think so.
Zoos have gotten better in the US recently. In Philadelphia the zoo is very old and there isn't room to expand out-so they've expanded up. The animals have overhead walkways where they can move around above the humans. The new cat pens open onto each other where the cats are rotated into much larger areas. The whole thing makes for a unique experience, the cats seem happier with more room to explore.
San Diego has elephants. They don't have many elephants in northern zoos anymore, because they don't tolerate winter well, even when kept inside. It was a pleasure to see those huge beasts, especially now that the Chinese are fueling the mass elephant slaughters, due to their desire for ivory. Ivory looks so much better when worn by the elephants.