Crazy-There have been comments in the literature that it is the PARENTS responsibility to study with their own children. Also, there are comments that wives be in subjection. Use these points and put a stop to the MS studying with your kids. Tell your wife that your kids are no longer to go to meetings with her, as the head of the household, that is your biblical right. Use their own words to fight back at them.
Also, get onto and type in 'critical thinking' or 'Logic' and buy your kids the workbooks or DVDs and sit down with them to discuss these things as a family. They have all kinds of books for all different ages that are really fun to use. I used them with my kids and they can spot crazy thinking from a mile away. Take the comment that "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" my 8 year old gets the sweeping generalization of 'the whole world'. Try them, they work. Get your wife in on the fun, she may start to pick up on all the coded crap at the KH. Just don't tell her what you are doing.