Egyptians are like, "Meh."
Posts by fugue
How did all these civilizations survive the flood?
by losthobbit inflood 2304 bc (
neolithic 8500-1500 bc (
egyption dynasty 4 2613 to 2494 bc, dynasty 5: 2494 to 2345 bc, dynasty 6: 2345 - 2181 bc (
Newspaper article on Conventions—why so glowing?
by Londo111 inevery year in dozens of cities where conventions are being held, newspapers typically write an article about the event.
there are exceptions, but usually it is like the articles above.
i would love to see more newspaper articles that did some actual objective reporting, rather than puff pieces.
I work in a public relations department. I've written press releases about my company that were picked up by news outlets and run almost verbatim. I've written press/media releases inviting reporters to come see an event that promotes my company. Cameras from the local TV news, microphones from radio stations, and writers may all show up, as long as there isn't a huge car wreck, plane crash, or double murder on the other side of town. And 9 times out of 10, all of the stories follow the guidance you gave in the media release. It's public relations 101. You tell the media what you want them to write, and as long as you pitch it well, they usually will.
All downloads no longer hosted on
by neat blue dog inwhether it's videos on jw broadcasting or pdfs on, all downloads used to be archived in-house at "" followed by the items name/code.
now clicking a download link retrieves the items from, a web services company..
In simple terms, scalable hosting means the more copies of your big files people download, the more you pay.
I think all x jw's should be downloading the biggest files as often as possible.
Download, delete, repeat. Make them pay.
Richmond, Virginia Convention Lowlights: 11-year-old Baptized / Porn Seen Accidentally
by Funchback in
at this rate, soon they'll let infants get dipped:.
lindsey jackson, 14, of king george county was among the 33 people who were baptized saturday during the first convention of jehovah’s witnesses of the summer at the richmond coliseum.
And further:
Since elders seem to readily believe the "accidental porn" excuse, I'd suggest that any jw who is faced with a judicial inquisition try using a variation of it:
I accidentally went to an R rated movie.
I accidentally got ahold of a bag of weed, and it accidentally burst into flames, causing me to accidentally inhale.
I accidentally went next door to see the neighbor girl's aquarium... we accidentally got naked and now she's pregnant... oops.
I accidentally Googled watchtower sex abuse cases, and I found that the governing body has been accidentally covering up a lot of... accidents.
Richmond, Virginia Convention Lowlights: 11-year-old Baptized / Porn Seen Accidentally
by Funchback in
at this rate, soon they'll let infants get dipped:.
lindsey jackson, 14, of king george county was among the 33 people who were baptized saturday during the first convention of jehovah’s witnesses of the summer at the richmond coliseum.
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
And Simon, if nothing else positive comes from this, I would say that at the very least I have a newfound respect for your sticking with this project for so long. I don't know how long I would want to keep doing it, especially when it's completely voluntary and is subject to all kinds of trouble making and high school level drama. I'm not in any way trying to diminish the value of JWD. For me, JWR was what I found first and where I made friends. The differences between them were more of a "iPhone vs Android" choice of personal preference. I like that I had choices and options.
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
I totally understand the need for personally moving on. I don't fault anyone who decides to put all of it, the religion and the recovery phase, in their rear view mirror. That's my ultimate goal, too.
What I'm hearing from those who dislike the situation isn't that Rifter, DS, Palimpsest or anyone else was wrong to decide to turn the page and move on. You all did an amazing job helping hundreds of people recover. No one should feel obligated to keep volunteering their time and effort; this isn't the borg where your "volunteer work" is mandatory and never ends.
But what I'm hearing here is that JWR was bigger than "Rifter's website" in the minds of the people who relied on it. On paper sure, it was and is his property to do with as he pleased. My thousands of posts were my intellectual property, but I trustingly (carelessly?) left them on his database on his servers. Oops, my bad.
But the bigger issue is a question of ethics: is it ethical to offer people a "recovery service," then with no warning just shut it down? What would have been wrong with saying something like: "I have decided that I need to move on. If anyone is interested in taking ownership, let me know ASAP. The current hosting plan runs out in X number of days, and after that if no one else wants this burden, the site will be closed."
Thats not difficult. And if you weren't in the mood to hear people clamoring about who should or shouldn't step up, then just send that message in a PM to maybe the top dozen most active people. Then walk away.
There were, are, and will be people whose only connection to a support group is JWR. Will they be able to find a continuum of the support they need? The message on the site right now would have left me feeling totally lost if it had happened when I needed a support network the most.
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
DS, Palimpsest, Rifter, et al:
Your personal journey may have been ending, but others on the site were just beginning.
You wanted to move on, that's fine. But you could have at least tried to ask others to take your places.
Shame on each of you for not trying to pass it on to people who would be willing to keep it going.
Shame on each of you for thinking that because your recovery was over, no one else mattered.
Shame on each one of you who decided to close jwr. Your years of selflessness and caring about others made you seem like you knew better than to do this.
Welcome y'all from JWR - any questions?
by Simon ini just wanted to take a minute to say "hi" and welcome to the site for anyone who's come here from jwr.
i can imagine the site being shut down suddenly was shocking and unsettling for many who relied on it and sometimes you don't realize how much you do rely on something until it is gone.. hopefully you'll see some of the same familiar names appearing and be able to reconnect with people you knew via this site and continue your journey together.
i don't know what the posting policies on jwr were but know it as a moderated site so can't imagine them being hugely different to the ones here.
Simon, thanks for the welcome mat. I wish the jwr mod would at least put a link to this forum, or directly to a thread like this, on the front page message. I'm thinking of how I felt when I first got up the nerve to post on JWR with questions about getting out... if I had seen the forum closed with no way of finding the people who had been giving me advice, it would have sucked.
Anyway, I'm glad JWD is still alive and kicking.
JWR usernames list
by StarryNight9 ini created this thread so that jwr members can list their old jwr username with their username for whatever site they've moved to.
i apologize if this has already been created somewhere else.. jwr = starrynight.
jwd = starrynight9.
Fugue here, Fugue there, Fugue everywhere.
I have no recollection of using a photo of my eye as an avatar here. I need my pic of King Ahazuwhozits or whatever his name is. Thinking it's on my PC.