Minimus I agree with 100%
I read this post and had to tell my story about all the fine work the Florida State police make up for them selfs. A week before this happen I was stopped at one of Jacksonville's many waste of time, Wednesday 9:00 P.M. check points. I had no problems. BUT the next week was a different story
To start with, It was a Friday afternoon, before a three day weekend (4th of July). While driving down I-95 in a full size van, with 4 other passengers is when an Semi truck driver decided that he wanted to ocupie my space while I was useing it. We went off road for a bit, he swerved back and forth. Later I found out he had been drugging and fell asleep while driving. I'm getting a head of the story.
I called 911 because this had now been going on for about 3 miles. Once the productive Florida State Trouper arrived, he made the truck pull over as I did. I explained what had happen, so he started his report by asking for my drivers license and curent insurance. I had given him both.
After about 20 minutes he returned to my van only to inform me that my license had been sespended? a code 10 came up on his computer.
I asked "what's a code 10?" his reply was so profound I can still remember it to this day " I DON"T KNOW" and he continued with " but I need to arrest you for driving with no licenses, and since your passengers are under the age for driving we need to tow your van".
My arraignment was Tuesday July 5th and that's when I found what a code 10 was. NO INSURANCE. But I had current insurance with Geico I had been paying for now for 8 months, I had canceled checks, I had all the proof I was in the right, it didn't matter. I was gulity until innocent.
I had canceled my Progressive policy in November, and progressive informed the State that I had done so. I did start the Geico policy 30 days prior to canceling Progressive. But since Geico did not contact the State of Florida to inform them that I was now with Geico, All of Florida's police computers showed me as CODE 10 with a invalid licenses.
After all was said and done I had to pay $150.00 towing, $325.00 impound fee's, $682.00 in court cost, $25.00 for a new drivers licenssens. All for contacting 911 when an unsafe driver was on the road.
oh ya, the truck driver got off with a warning, and was released at the seen, sine the COPS had me to get their monthly bonus from.
It took over 9 month fight but I did receive 1/2 of my money back after alot of MY TIME was wasted.
I was 41 at the time and had only recieved 1 speeding ticket when I was 16 (going 8 MPH over the limit) I have moved since then to a better place, CANADA.