leavingwt: this is a really good reference point on how misinformed the average person is. hell has got to be the most salient reference point on how deluded any given person's mind really is. why? because above all other biblical notions, hell is not only one of the easiest to disprove with scripture (as stated above by this reverend), but it's also the most egregious notion presented in the bible's entirety. ie. if the notion of hell does not impel you to reason on the scriptures, NOTHING WILL.
again, the scriptures are clear on the derivation of hell. it was all contextual in regards to society of the EARTHLY REALM at that particular time.
there is no more shocking idea you can articulate to another human being, greater than the deluded conception of hell.
this duplicity wrapped up in a biblical notion called "hell", will really help anyone who is trying to decipher another man/woman's mental state. do they believe the sky is blue or do they believe the sky is orange? it separates those who believe what they want to regardless of what the facts say, and those who's beliefs are centered in reasoning.
jw's seem to have their foot in both conceptions at this point. i'd guess this is one reason they are being caught in so many contradictions. they want to reason with you that the sky is orange. you prove to them that it's blue, and you are the devil. and yet they have books called "reasoning on the scriptures"...at some point they are going to have to just say 'reasoning is bad for you', or realize they are no different than those who gathered at the parthenon.
leavingwt: those poll numbers really have blown my mind at this point, can that really be true? "most americans", not most americans that claim to be christian? just 'most americans'? good god.