There's no good reason to meet with them. Live by your owh rules, not theirs. It's time to make a clean break. Best wishes.
Posts by Mum
A "follow up" meeting?!?!
by DATA-DOG inwell, now they want a follow up visit!
when you tell the elders that you have doubts and they say " its okay, we have had our doubts.
having doubts is not apostasy.
Elders Can't Simply Go Back to Being Ministerial Servants...
by TTATTelder inas a currently serving "awake" elder caught in the web of family, spouse, employer, etc.
etc..... i have often wondered why an elder cannot simply drop back to ministerial servant if he so desired (because of stress, circumstances, health).. on paper a currently serving elder in good standing more than qualifies to be a ms. that is obviously the case by their own hierarchy structure and definitions of qualification.. but...under their current arrangement....theoretically a man could give a district convention talk one week to 10,000 people, step down as an elder the following day due to stress, and not "qualify" to give a 5 min part on the next week's service meeting in front of 50 people.
doesn't make a lot of sense.. so my question is this.....why do you think the wt forces a man to drop all the way "down" to publisher if he no longer wants to serve as an elder?.
It places them lower in the pecking order:
1. GB
2. Regional overseers (DO & CO, or whatever they still have)
3. Elders
4. MS
5. Male pioneers
6. Children
7. Female pioneers
8. Pond scum
9. Female publishers
If they really wanted to punish you, they'd make you transgender.
New "Caleb and Sofia" video on have to see it!
by stuckinarut2 inok, so i dont want to be a negative bitter person...and we all love little kids, but i am just so torn about the new video just uploaded on
if you havent watched it yet, have a look at it...."an animated series that touches hearts".
(yes, its well done...and they certainly like to do a lot of boasting about their technical skills etc...).
What I find disturbing about these videos is that they are about "pleasing Jehovah," not about right from wrong, not about whether anyone was hurt. So they're laying the groundwork for "pleasing Jehovah" as Priority One. Then they can tell the kids that giving the GB their allowance (or worse) "pleases Jehovah." This is thought control at its most devious and evil.
by DATA-DOG inabout a week ago, i had my "encouraging visit!
" it was real last minute, and i said , "yes!
" they were not expecting that, and they missed their dinner.
Then it's okay for mainline churches and non-Christians to teach falsehood as well, as far as I'm concerned. When I became a JDub, the emphasis was on "accurate knowledge," not just whatever was said by the scum that rose to the top.
If you were God, how would you rule?
by What is Truth? inwelcome, to anyone up for a thought experiment and some fun with your inner god complex.
i was inspired with this question while at 7/6/14 watchtower study.
the question is.. if you were to be made god how would interact with your creations?
I would intervene personally every time someone attacked or tried to harm someone smaller or weaker, particularly pedophiles. Pedophiles would not survive. Nor would those who exploit the labor and talent of others to enrich themselves.
Raising Children in more than one language
by SonoftheTrinity ini recently told my wife that i am speaking only in the jamaican dialect from now on in my house because she has failed to teach her children her native language because she has put religion first, manners and discipline second, their education third, and her native language somewhere at the bottom.
while i am not jamaican, nor have i been to jamaica i lived in a jamaican rastafarian community as a rastafarian.
i am now orthodox christian as are many rastafarians and i still consider myself culturally rastafarian but no longer identify with their heresies.
I envy people who grew up in bilingual or multi-lingual households. If one can speak Spanish, Chinese and English, he or she can communicate with most of the population of the world.
by steve2 inthe current fading of brand name "the watchtower" & the rise, rise, rise of
the watchtower as brand name is in the process of being imperceptibly faded from visibility in the organization.
who'd have thought you could make a watchtower fade and disappear?
Is it like when Kentucky Fried Chicken started calling itself KFC?
Just came across this jw comment on the interweb, what do you think?
by disposable hero of hypocrisy inwe are up for a new kind of persecution in the future.
a new form that was unheard of for us.
in australia, disfellowshipped and dissasociated are planning on suing jw for emotional and mental hardship for being cast out completely.
Almost all of the "persecution" I endured as a JW came from my "loving brothers and sisters," not outsiders. They need to take a close look at themselves before crying "persecution" about anyone else!
I am deeply impressed with your skill and your eye for detail.
What to do when my wife is away for a week and I am supposed to attend this years RC?
by suavojr ineasy... skip it!.
but already i had people calling me asking where i was yesterday!!!!
the system the jw's have in place can be compared to a communist regime , where everyone keeps a check on each other.
Can you pretend you're attending a different assembly this year while visiting relatives or taking a trip? I know I recommend this a lot, but pretending to be ill is also a way out. If you must go, have a few drinks beforehand, but not if you are driving. Do you have someone who can drop you off and then get a ride home with someone you know?