They would have lots more than that if not for their bizarre predictions that sow doubt in the mind of anyone who can think AND if they didn't disfellowship anybody who looks at them cross-eyed. They might want to keep the numbers small because it's easier to control a limited number than a vast number.
Posts by Mum
Shouldn't the WTBTS have more than 7 million followers after 140 years of preaching?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inafter 140 years of preaching and millions of books, magazines, and tracts, all the wtbts has to show is a measly 7 million members.
the mormons, baptists, pentecostals and many other religions have more members without the preaching work.. in your opinion, is 7 million members way too many for all the odd beliefs, doctrines and practices ?
or, should be more members since they have had over 140 years of being in the religion business?.
Would like all of your imput on this. Please
by Still Totally ADD inboth reopened mind and i are now in our early 60's and it seems our conversations lately have been on putting everything up for sale and buying a rv and travel until we can't anymore.
it has been a dream of ours for along time to see all the site's in the u.s. and canada.
we feel we could make money as we go by selling and teaching using herbs and gardening.
It's pointless to have all of this anxiety. Things usually work out for people who follow their dreams. It's best to take one day at a time and enjoy every moment you can. History has taught us that scrimping and saving does not guarantee future security. There was a time in China when it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread. There's no guarantee it won't happen here at some time in the future. If we could predict the future, it would be much easier to make plans. But we can't. Do what you want to do for as long as you can.
Acceptance is the key to ease in life. - Dorothy Sayer
I know 2 of the Elders on the Ray Franz JC
by James Jackson inwhen i read coc, i was stunned that the 2 elders (theotis french & rob dibble) were on ray franz judcial committee.
i have known these men for over 20 years having done rbc and convention work with them.
they are still elders today which means they were in their early 30's(which is unheard of for a case of this importance to have inexperienced elders to sit on) on this committee.. without revealing myself, i have never tried(but have wanted to), ask them about their on having to judge a former gb member.. then out of the blue, about a year ago, i was mentioning how hard it is trying to get younger ones to volunteer to one of these elders, and he says"this is nothing compared to to sitting on the committee that had to disfellowship ray franz".
I attended a JC once. I did realize at some point during the proceedings that, if it were legal, they would have taken me outside, tied me to a tree (or something), and set me alight. Thank God I was born in the USA. Objectivity and basing decisions on facts are alien concepts to the arbitrarily powerful.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Race/Culture
by kneehighmiah ini have also attended spanish congregations.
this has helped me to understand and respect totally different perspectives and narratives on race.
please be respectful during this discussion.
Yes, the WT has lily white cultural leanings. I am white, from E. Tennesse/SE Kentucky. Hillbillies were never criticized for their strange-sounding dialect and speech patterns. One ignorant hillbilly "brother" told me he was complimented by the circuit overseer's wife on a talk he gave. I knew this guy pretty well, and his speech was full of errors, as he probably had not even graduated from 8th grade.
My first congregation was upscale because it was the congregation of my dad's boss. Nevertheless, even though this was the least déclassé congregation I ever attended, there was still plenty of ignorance and bigotry.
When I got married, I moved to a congregation in the South that was in the process of desegragation. The white "brothers and sisters" always referred to tha African Americans as "the colored brothers and sisters." The CO's wife, a pioneer, criticized one of the black "brothers," saying he was for "black power." Actually, he was from Detroit,and was much better educated than the Southerners in the congregation. One "brother," a native Southerner, told me he thought the black householders were "impressed" that white people would come to their door to offer whatever we were "offering." The racism was obvious to me, but I don't think anyone there saw himself/herself as racist.
What do you think?
by rosie70 init happened to one of my friends.
what do you think of the guy's behavior?.
a girl and a guy are coworkers.
Good point, objectivetruth. It is a peculiarity about "religious" people that they adhere to the "special" things about their religion more than the commonplace things. Marital unfaithfulness happens in all religions. Yet, some won't eat pork, ride in a motorized vehicle, drink alcohol, etc. while they're cheating on their spouse or having premarital sex. Go figure.
by Princess Ashe ini just started taking a few college classes.
and i'm finding it hard to figure out topics to argue about.
thinking for myself and forming my own opionions about certain subjects.
I suggest extensive reading and watching YouTube videos with differing opinions and perspectives so you can figure out what makes sense to you. I had a philosophy class in college in which the professor was the facilitator, and we had some heated discussions. What fun! I loved college! When you learn what your priorities are and what you want to do and start living your life for yourself, you will be truly alive!
When you write college papers, you need to take a stand and make good arguments for your stand. Good luck with your studies!
Advice on fading needed
by wallievase inthese 2 options are before me right now-.
1. write a letter to the elders and my family, not da myself but basically saying i have too much going on in my life and am confused, so that they will stop bothering my wife and stop asking me questions all the time.
after i write the letter continue to go to the hall less and less.... 2. appease my wife.
You have to do what's right for YOU! If you have to pretend to be ill, do that. You could start seeing a mental health professional and tell the elders you have mental health issues "right now" and can't attend meetings because you can't focus or comprehend what they're saying. You have a wife, and she should be considered, but not to the point of forcing yourself to live an inauthentic life. Only you know what is right for yourself. I would hate to see you write that letter, whcih would be playing by their rules and not your own. I hope you don't have children.
Best wishes for a hasty and happy exit!
Would JWs Really Drink The Kool Aid?
by minimus inif push came to shove and it was a showdown for loyalty to the organization or not following whatever decrees coming heir way, what percentage would remain loyal to the organization?
In the real live example when Jim Jones' followers drank the Kool-Aid, they were not given a choice. If they didn't drink it, they were injected with it. He started with the children so the parents would not want to go on. Only a few people survived; i.e., about three people ran and hid in the jungle, and one old lady hid under her bed. If that day comes for the JW's, I can visualize their leaders setting up a similar scenario so that everyone has to drink the Kool Aid and has no choice in the matter.
Let's hope that day never comes.
Today is my birthday !
by mrquik inafter missing 63 years of birthday celebrations, i'm making up for it in spades.
cake, presents & parties.
i tell everyone i meet that today is my birthday just to hear them say "happy birthday".
Have the best birthday ever! Oh, you are!
Ironic quote in the 5/14wt lesson "Are you moving ahead with Jehovahs Organization"
by BU2B inthe whole article makes me ill with its worse than average mind control.. i was going to only include one quote but there are so many doozies that i will post what i feel to be the worst.. from paragraph 6.
"gods organization survives and flourishes on earth because the people who are part of it have his approval.".
the great tribulation has been "so close" for over 120 years of wt history.
Approval seekers are beyond pathetic!