I am not sure about Christianity in general as it mostly seems corrupted and far from the teachings of Jesus. However, it is not good to paint all Christians or individual churches with the same brush. I know some very good people who are Christians.
Posts by Mum
Are you PISSED-OFF with christianity/religion? Watch THE KINGDOM
by Reasonfirst inif you are pissed-off with christianity and/or religion in general, then you may like this overview of the downfall of the hillsong (pentecostalism) franchise.. it was made by a staff member of sbs an australian tv, who is apparently an ex-hillsong attendee.. the description blurb notes: " marc fennell investigates the successful, but scandal plagued megachurch hillsong, stepping back into the world of pentecostalism that he left behind and asking what happens as the hillsong kingdom crumbles.".
you can find this report on sbs ondemand.. link: https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/tv-program/the-kingdom/2204846147867.
there are other links on the web to other critical examinations of hillsong's failings, including the failure of pastor brian houston's failure to report his father's (the founder of hillsong) pedophilia.. another australian link is to channel 7's spotlight;.
Is our humanity at stake and we don't know the way out?
by gavindlt inin answer to why i think jehovahs witnesses are on the decline which is denied by some......... and highlighting bigger emerging issues of our humanity under threat.. firstly i think this faith is on the decline partly because adherents who claim to have a strong faith i believe, is actually tenuous, extremely fragile and porous far from watertight.. most jw's are hanging on because the alternative is more frightening.. the new reality dictates that there is a real depopulation agenda set by the elites to destroy and control humanity.. covid, the vaccines and lockdowns brought this reality home in a tangible way.
the climate change narrative, the talk about 15 minute cities, digital currency, alien sighting, food supply control, weather control, health control and natural resource control all point to wef, un and who agendas that can't be dismissed as conspiracy theories any more.. the actual scene of the world is really changing in a dramatic way.. the push for trans-humanism is not fiction.
the covid 19 vaccine is evidence of biowarfare and that through the mrna technology they are bent on changing our very dna.
Having been a JW for 17 years, admittedly a long time ago when things were better among them, I must say that I observed that many JW's were (I must put it in context) intellectually challenged, psychologically beaten down, and/or lacking in long-range vision. I am reduced to mostly just feeling sorry for them. They, by and large, are too easy to deceive and take advantage of.
I saw an interview on YouTube that intrigued me. Glenn Beck was the interviewer, but I forget the name of the interviewee. The interviewee had a glum outlook for the human race, saying there might be two human races in the future, one that was bred to be intellectually challenged and work for the other, bred to be wealthy and controlling. It could be argued that JW's are already almost there.
The time my Jehovah's Witness mom ripped my rock band photos and poster
by RULES & REGULATIONS inin 1977 ( i was 18 years old), i attended a led zeppelin concert at the chicago stadium.
sat in the 10th.
How sad! My friend's JW mom drove us to Cincinnati from Dayton to see a Beach Boys concert in 1964. The "rules" seem to get more and more oppressive.
Betty Georges - The Female Helper to the Governing Body
by MillennialDawn inbetty georges is listed as a helper to the governing body service committee, according to this page on the website: https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/governing-body-jw-helpers/.
anybody know anything about her?.
Betty, as far as I know, is a nickname for Elizabeth. I'd hate to be that guy.
A year since I have been back
by Lee Marsh ina year ago i came back to jwd.
the 2 years before that.
when covid stated, i was diagnosed with colon cancer.
Good for you! Thank you for your contributions to this forum!
How far has Watchtower and the GB of Jehovah's Witnesses gone to stalk and silence critics?
by Balaamsass2 inwe have all watched some of the documentaries about the church of scientology hiring detectives to stalk and harass their former members,( their "apostates").
i have heard of individual cases of rabid jw elders stalking ex-jws, and of course, one would expect some enforcement of corporate copyright infringement on anti-jw websites.. what were the most outrageous jw "stalking" or investigation stories you remember?.
tonight's 60 minutes into ebay stalking a middle-aged couple who writes a newsletter reminded me a lot of the menlo park congregation watchtower "takeover", closure, and stalking of local elders to mind.
I remember an account from Barbara Grizzuti Harrison's book, "Visions of Glory" in which she was asked if she had made the sign of the cross in front of a church. She wondered if there were JW spies following her around the world. I read that book in the '80's. I'm not sure Barbara Grizzuti Harrison is still alive. She was a reporter/journalist whose mother converted to JW. Her book is worth reading if one can still find a copy.
Hamburg gunman wrote theological book before attack
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://cne.news/article/2789-hamburg-gunman-wrote-theological-book-before-attack.
the hamburg shooter who killed seven jehovah's witnesses before he shot himself published a theological book at the end of last year.
the german authorities issued two reports on the publication.. .
"However, he likely acted in full consciousness." Do you mean "conscientiousness?"
Only a narcissist would want to write a book competing with the Bible and the Koran. He might have had a productive life if he had never been a JW.
Has Tony been abducted by Aliens?
by Mit123 inprobably but they’ve sent him back pretty darn quick!
i have from a very reliable source that he attends one of the poughkeepsie ny congregations.
i think there are 5 congregations there might be worth paying a visit if anyone lives near there..
Many state names, such as Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky and Massachusetts, are all derived from First Nations names. Also cities, such as Chattanooga and Seattle, have First Nations origins. Their pronunciations, I am sure, have been anglicized.
Place name origins fascinate me. Many places in the U.S. were named after places in Europe or ancient Egypt. I know this has nothing to do with Tony Morris, but I just felt like saying it.
We're you regular at all the meetings?
by Hellothere inwe're you regular at the 3 meetings days watchtower hade?
i remember our was tuesday, thursdays and saturdays.
in reality it's crazy they hade so many meetings.
I was so regular that I had a head full of minutiae about "types and antitypes." I began to see the whole thing as nonsense and a way to keep JW's off the street and at the same time, feel pseudo-intellectual.
What does the Bible really teach the GB?
by punkofnice ingalatians 5:19-21 nivthe acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.
i warn you, as i did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of god.. .
1 corinthians 6:10, 11 kjvnor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of god.
Narcissists believe the rules don't apply to them.