The WT Society does its best to control the amount ant type of information its adherents have access to. Most rank-and-file JW's have no idea about the extent of child sexual abuse in their religion. They might know of one or two cases and see them as isolated incidents, not a source of serious WT income loss. Many of them are not aware of the false prophecies of the past or other historical information about their "religion." The Society also keeps its controversial doctrines (i.e., shunning, no blood transrusion, no saluting the flag, no birthdqay or holiday celebrations, etc.) from the public. I've met people who tell me JW's are just weirdos, but nothing to worry about.
Their central doctrine is that "God's kingdom" is about to take over the earth soon, any minute now. You'd think people would get weary of this false promise, but the WT is very clever about keeping the carrot in front of them but never giving it to them.
In short, they are a somewhat dangerous cult, but mostly to children. JW schoolchildren need real support and understanding. They're innocent and have no idea they're being duped, even if they're being molested.