That may be the way that so called muslim extremeists aka terrorists as depicted in that movie do their recruiting, however that is not the way that islam propagates. Next to the truth of their being only one God -- there is no compulsion in religion is the next key point - if you wish.
i watched Syriana more than once - and i agree it does not put a very good light on muslims. that doesn't bother me because unfortuately facts are facts. extremes in any religion or group of people with a common thread always breeds trouble.
one thing that people do not consider about the many people that resort to suicide bombing is that these people are victims of poverty. they have nothing to live for. so someone telling them bs about how they will be supposedly rewarded in heaven is like salve on a wound -- but they don't realise the damage they do to the ummah in general by being suckered into this behaviour. i am not defending their behaviour, but I know that true poverty really messes up peoples minds and make fertile soil for extemeists.
just my 2 cents worth.